November Updates

Hi Division 12 families,

I will post the November Calendar by Monday evening, but I wanted to let you know of a couple things before the weekend.

PJ Day on Monday November 1st! Students can come wearing their PJs or comfy clothes after a fun filled weekend on Monday.

Library will now be on Tuesdays due to a change in scheduling starting next week. We will write this in our planners.


Please have your child keep an extra mask or two in their backpacks to use. With the rainy weather masks are getting wet, students accidentally drops their mask on the floor or misplace it and the office is running low on spare masks.

Thank you and have a great weekend!

P.S. There is a glow stick in the goody bags for students to wear trick or treating to be seen by cars 🙂 Stay safe and see you on Monday!

Ms. Toor

Pumpkin Investigation

Good afternoon families!

Pumpkin investigation reporting sheets are ready to go and in your child’s planner.

We filled out and investigated our pumpkins this morning. (If your child took home their pumpkin right after the patch visit there might be a couple more blank spaces that we can complete on Friday.)

Either tonight or tomorrow please carve out your pumpkin and count the seeds. There is a spot for how many on the worksheet. Please return the worksheet in the planner pouch when you have completed the task as we will compare our estimations and findings.








I added a copy of the sheet if you would like to do this activity again at home or with your other children.

On Friday morning please bring carved pumpkins back to school with your child’s name and Div. 12  on it as they will be placed in the gym for the parade. 

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Last Week of October Updates

Hello Families of Division 12,

Here are some things to note for the last week of October.

Spirit Wear Orders 

Spirit Wear Orders are due October 29 and payment must be made in cheque to the Suncrest PAC.

Prepared for the Weather

Please make sure your child comes to school dressed for the weather. We keep the windows open every day to help with air circulation, so our classroom will be colder than usual. Please have your child dress warmly everyday or bring extra layers to keep in their cubby.

Halloween week

October 27 – Pumpkin Patch & Hot chocolate

Students will go with their class to the grass field to pick a pumpkin to bring home. Please have your child bring a large bag to carry the pumpkin home. Students will also receive hot chocolate to drink in their classrooms.

At home please help your child to clean it out and carve it. In your child’s planner on Wednesday there will be an activity sheet for their pumpkin.  Please help your child fill in the section of how many seeds were in the pumpkin as we are going to estimate after getting our pumpkins from the field. This is an optional activity, but it would be great practice for recording information and working on our estimation skills.

Thank you for your help with this activity!

Below is the link to the book we will be using this week for our pumpkin unit

October 29 – Costume Parade & Class Halloween Party 

Students are welcome to wear a costume to school on October 29 and they will participate in a parade to show off their costumes to other students. Please ensure the costume is appropriate for school. More information about costume dress code is on the Suncrest homepage.

Our class is having a party in the afternoon (Oct. 29) to celebrate (short film, centres and themed games). We will not be having any shared treats during this time. A special individual treat for your own child is more than okay to bring for our celebration.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Words Their Way and Word Practice

Good afternoon families,

Our Words Their Way cards/ words will be heading home today in your child’s planner pocket. They are yours to keep and continue practicing at home as your child will receive new cards/ words weekly to practice at school.

At the beginning of the week we will introduce the cards/ words and at the end of the week they will be taken home after practicing.

Attached is the notice that will be coming home today.

Thank you for your cooperation as we work as a team to support your children,

Ms. Toor

P.S. Tomorrow is a Pro-D-Day! Enjoy your long weekend and see all of you on Monday! 

Picture Day (Wednesday Oct. 20)

Good morning families,

This Wednesday (October 20) is individual picture day.  Most likely our pictures will be taken before Recess and Outdoor Classroom.

We will also write the message onTuesday in our planners.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Terry Fox Donations

Good afternoon families,

Terry Fox Donations are due tomorrow.

If you haven’t donated and would like to, please put the donation sheet in your child’s planner pocket.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Class updates

Hello Families of Division 12,

It was so lovely to chat with all of you during the parent conversations last week. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and for the great responses to all the questions about your children. Here are some important things to note:

Online Access 

In your child’s planner pocket a slip of paper was placed that has your child’s PEN number, this will allow you to access online forms. More information regarding this new online format was sent out by the school on Friday.


Our library days will be every Monday, please have your child bring their books back to school on Monday morning to ensure they can sign out new books. You can always bring them before the weekend if your child is done with them earlier. Do not worry about this week as the permanent schedule just came out.

Extra Clothes

This is a friendly reminder to please leave a change of clothes and shoes at school for your child in case they need it. We will be going outside everyday and with the West Coast weather its a great idea to always have a spare change of clothes, socks, rain pants, rain jacket and rain boots at school.

Terry Fox Run 

Our school will be doing our Terry Fox run on Oct 1. Our class will be running at 9:30am – 10:15am. Parents are welcome to come cheer their child(ren) on from the outside perimeters of the school behind the fence near the gravel and grass field. Please note children in higher grades will be running at a different time.

Family Photos

Please have your child bring in a family photo to put on our family tree wall so that students can get to know each other better. It is also great to have for students who might be missing their families and would like to see a picture of them.

Thank you and hope everyone had a great weekend!

Ms. Toor

Upcoming Dates

Good morning,

Below are some upcoming dates:

Wednesday September 22- Library (for this week) and Early Dismissal at 2pm

Thursday September 23- Early Dismissal at 2pm

Friday September 24- Pro-D-Day (no school for students)

Wednesday September 29 -Orange Shirt day at Suncrest 

Thursday September 30- National Day of Truth and Reconciliation 

Please have your child wear an orange shirt to school on September 29th for orange shirt day. The school will be closed on September 30th. 

Friday October 1- Terry Fox Run at Suncrest

Thank you,

Ms. Toor



Parents as Partners Conversations

Hi Division 12 Families!

Thank you to those who have already chosen a time on Wednesday Sept. 22 or Thursday Sept. 23 for our Parents as Partners Conversations. If you have not signed up for a time there are times still available for you to select.

On both those days students will be dismissed at 2pm.

The meetings will be 10 minutes long and will give us time to talk about your child as well as time to get to know each other.

Please come prepared to answer the following questions about your child as we only have a quick 10 minutes together:

  • Interests/ hobbies
  • Strengths
  • Stretches (things you hope your child will develop/ learn)
  • Goals for the school year (academic goal)
  • One wish for your child (does not have to be academic)

Please have a listen to the story below. After listening to the story please come to the meeting with one wish you have for your child this year. The wish can be academic, social or anything you hope for them this school year.

After reading this story my wish for your children is that they enjoy coming to school each day. Your children have also selected a wish they have for this school year that I will share with you during our meeting.

Thank you and I look forward to meeting you over Teams,

Ms. Toor

Spirit Week Updated Calendar

Good afternoon families of Division 11,

Below is an updated Calendar for Suncrest’s Spirit Week. Please note this is the most updated calendar with the colour days. This was also sent home Friday in your child’s planner.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and see everyone tomorrow!

Ms. Toor