Report Cards

Report Cards Go Home March 5

On Friday (today) students will be bringing home their report cards for Term 2. Please make sure to empty the envelope and keep the documents inside at home, sign the envelope and return the empty envelope to the school as soon as possible, so that I may reuse it for Term 3.

Students will also be bringing home a large orange folder with their school work inside (things they have been working on since the beginning of the school year as well as your child’s report at the front). Please have a look through these with your child to talk about their learning. In addition you can look through your child’s FreshGrade account as another way to look through your child’s learning together as a family. The orange folders are for families to keep.

It has been a pleasure being part of your child’s learning together so far this school year.

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Toor

March Calendar and Literacy Week Activities

Good Afternoon Division 11 Families!

Attached is our calendar for the month and below is the same message from Mr. LaPlante on our school website about Literacy Week and Themed Days for next week!

Announcing Literacy Week about Kindness & Gratitude at Suncrest March 8-12!
Please join us as we celebrate Literacy Week at Suncrest! Through reading, writing, and discussion activities, we will explore this year’s theme of Kindness and Gratitude. We hope you will dress up for the following special days related to the theme, as prizes will be given out to anyone who participates! Your child’s teacher will tell you more about each day’s activities in class. We look forward to this special week at Suncrest!
Monday March 8th – Rainbow Inclusion Day
Please dress in as many different colours as you can, as we celebrate the wonderful diversity of our community and the world.
Tuesday March 9th – Be Kind to the Earth Day
Please dress in a combination of blue and green, or wear anything with leaves or the planet Earth on it, as we discuss how to grateful for our beautiful Earth and how to be kind by caring for the environment.
Wednesday March 10th – Be Kind to Yourselves Day
Please dress in your favourite, most comfortable outfit, and bring your favourite snack to school! Today we will discuss all the ways to be kind to yourself so you can stay physically and mentally healthy.
Thursday March 11th – Helping Others with Kindness and Laughter Day
Today we will discuss how we can be kind to others in our community, such as lifting one another up with positive messages, compliments, and laughter. Please wear clothing that has messages of happiness, cheer, and/or joy, or you can wear funny hats and clothing accessories that make people laugh. We want silly outfits!
Friday March 12th – Celebrate Reading in PJs Day
For our final day, wear your PJs to school to celebrate reading! We will be having extra, surprise announcements of extra reading time throughout the school day before we go to Spring Break!


Thank you! So excited for a week celebrating literacy and school community!

Ms. Toor

Pink Shirt Day and Pro-D- Day Friday

Hello Division 11 families,

Wednesday February 24th – Pink Shirt Day

In celebration of Pink Shirt Day we encourage students and staff to wear pink on Wednesday, February 24th.  If you do not have an article of clothing in that colour we can create something in the classroom to pin on for the day.


Friday February 26th -Pro-D-Day

A reminder that Friday is a Pro-D-Day! Students have the day off while teachers will be participating in workshops to develop our practice.

These messages will also be written in your child’s planner.

Enjoy your long weekend!

Thank you,

Ms. Toor


Valentine’s Day and Family Day

Good morning Division 11 families,

Valentine’s Day

Tomorrow we will be having our in class celebration for Valentine’s Day. Thank you in advance for being so patient and understanding this year as things are a bit different with celebrations.



A reminder to only send treats for your child to enjoy during our afternoon film is much appreciated.


Family Day

Family Day is on Monday February 15th, there will be no school on that day. Tomorrow your child will bring their Kindness Coupons home. Each child has chosen different things to add to their coupon book to give to you. They are very excited to share them with you.

Thank you and enjoy your long weekend!






Bernard and I will be hopefully enjoying some snow on the mountain this weekend!

Ms. Toor


Valentines Day – February 12 2021

Good evening families of Division 11,

As this year is a little bit different, so are our celebrations.

This year we will be watching a short film and participating in a range of in class activities to celebrate Valentine’s Day. You are more than welcome to send a treat for your own child to enjoy during that time in the afternoon.

This year we are not exchanging treats, only cards.

This year if you would like to bring cards for your classmates please bring them in by Monday February 8th, so we can have them sit for a few days before handing them out on Friday February 12th.

I will be sending home a class list at the end of this week for you to create your cards.

With Kindness,

Ms. Toor

Library Next Thursday (instead of Tuesday)

Good afternoon Division 11 families,

Next week due to scheduling, Ms. Ho has asked if we can change our Library day to Thursday.

Our class will be visiting Ms. Ho on Thursday morning instead of Tuesday next week. Please feel free to bring your books back earlier than Thursday if you are finished with them.

We will be back to our normal schedule the week after.

Thank you for your flexibility,

Ms. Toor


Black Shirt Day January 15 (Tomorrow)

Good afternoon families of Division 11!

Below is the post Mr. LaPlante shared on our school webpage this morning:

Only recently announced by the Anti-Racism Coalition (ARC), Black Shirt Day is new this year. ARC created the day to raise awareness of the challenges faced by Black and racialized Canadians, as well as to help foster solidarity against all forms of racism and hate.


Suncrest Elementary School invites students and staff to wear black shirts on January 15 (tomorrow) to show support for anti-racism.

Tomorrow I will be continuing the conversation in our classroom by using grade appropriate lessons and literature.

Below are some examples of some stories I have read in past school years and will be reading again tomorrow to the students in Division 11 around racism, diversity, inclusion and empathy.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

What we are getting up to in Division 11







This week we are beginning our unit on light by looking at objects using our light box. We are exploring objects and materials that are transparent, translucent and opaque with hands on activities such as this one. What kind of objects can you find in your home that all light passes through (transparent) some light passes through (translucent) and no light is able to pass through (opaque)? Would love to hear what you find in your home for students to make connections, comparisons and to also learn from each other during our science discussions.

Ms. Toor

Welcome Back!

Hello families of Division 11!

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

Hope everyone had a restful holiday break. Below are some reminders and routines to support our return to school for returning and new Division 11 students.

Outdoor Classroom

We will continue to go outdoors rain or shine for recess, lunch and learning activities. Please ensure your child has appropriate weather attire. It is helpful to have rain boots at the school for Outdoor Classroom as the students love to explore water and often get their feet wet in the creek. 

Indoor Shoes and Extra Clothes 

Everything in your child’s cubby was sent home before the holiday break. Students will need to bring back their indoor shoes and extra clothes back to school this week. 

Students will need (at minimum): 

  • Pants
  • Shirts
  • Underwear
  • 2 or 3 Pairs of Socks


Class code: RC130056 


We will have Library every Tuesday. Please return your child’s books by Monday or Tuesday each week.


While wearing masks is not mandatory, everyone wearing masks is part of our classroom/school culture, so we help protect one another as a community of learners.


Continue to check your child’s planner for important messages, reminders and notices. Please sign under each day and check the front planner pocket for anything sent home.

Words of the week

Weekly words will be posted in your child’s planner to practice at home at the beginning of each week. You can practice reading them, writing them on whiteboards, playing word games or writing them down in sentences. 

Words their way

We will practice our cards throughout the week during our “Word Work” portion of our Daily 5 Literacy Program. At the end of each week you will find the cards  in the planner pocket of your child’s planner. Please take them out and keep them at home for your own practice such as in individual envelopes or bags. Your child will receive new cards each week to help develop our literacy skills.

January Calendar


Thank you,

Ms. Toor