Young Entrepreneurs: Part C

1. What organization did you choose to support?

I feel like either donating 10% to Me to We or the BC Children’s Hospital. Me to We because they’re raising money and they donate money to country’s in need and the Children’s Hospital because I just feel like donating money to those kids in need.

2. What does this organization do?

Like I mentioned earlier, Me to We donates to country’s in need and for the hospital, I just feel like helping the kids in need.

3. How do you feel about helping others in this way?

I feel great about helping others. I can’t really explain how I feel, I just feel happy.

Young Entrepreneurs: Part B

1. Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)

My business name was called, Calming Glitter Bottles and my slogan was, Goodbye to Anxiety. Here’s a link to my product:

2. How do you feel about the product you selected for your business? 

I feel about 8/10 because I didn’t sell all of it, so now I feel like I should’ve made stress balls because I make stress balls real nicely, but still, I feel great about my product choice.

3. What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?

I think I could’ve at least make my area a bit more eye catching because my friend, Anjuli, her station was pretty bright. So I should’ve put a bit more brighter colours to catch attention.

Young Entrepreneurs: Part A

1.What Did You Enjoy?

I enjoyed many things from the entrepreneurs project. I enjoyed making my product,, and I enjoyed learning how to start a business. That was a really fum experience for me.

2.What Did You Learn?

I learned a lot of things. First, I learned how to start a business. Second, I learned how to make a glitter bottle like a pro! Finally, I learned how hard starting a business is.

3. What Was One Problem You Had? How Did You Overcome It?

My number one problem was how much glue I had. So I was making the last 4 but I had 2 more bottles of glue left. I was stuck. So I figured out how to divide it and it worked.

Young Entrepreneurs: considering your success (Part A)

Congratulations!  Now that you have finished your Young Entrepreneur marketplace, you can consider your success and learn from your experience.

[Trademark by PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs, an educational program designed for grades 4-8 classrooms.  PowerPlay Strategies Incorporated, Surrey, B.C.]    (Thanks Mr. Baldin for introducing this to our school c/o Vancity).
  1. What did you enjoy?

I enjoyed many things. Seeing others products, making sales, earning money, and just the thrill of trying to convince people to buy my product. I really believe this will benefit in the long run. Just the experience from being an entrepreneur is very important in this day and age.

  1.  What did you learn?

I learned that it’s not that easy to convince people to buy my product. And i believe as a class we learned the basics skills of setting up a business. You need ads, a kitty (change), and the product itself. We also learned how to be salespeople–we were a public and crowded place, fighting for sales–the people who made money understood what goes into getting one sale. It’s not easy, but we learned. 

3.  What was one problem you had?  How did you overcome it?

One problem  I had was, getting my customers to stay after just squishing my stress balls a few times. The way I overcome this problem was putting on a smile and a more kind way of talking. Thus, creating what I believe to be a more calm and peaceful area. Making them able to stay for 30 seconds while I explain my prices, and ask them if they would like to buy.

Young Entrepreneurs: evaluating your product (Part B)

You must also consider the success of your product.  Remember, the amount of money you made is not what’s most important.  The main goal with this program was to have fun learning about business.

  1. Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)... Well, my business is called: Joel’s Stress Balls! and my slogan is: Eradicate your stress forever!! And I do have a picture
  2. How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?… I felt really good about the decision I made to make stress balls. Because I spent nothing to make them, they were completely free of charge to make, because I just used food ingredients instead of high-end materials to make them.
  3. What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?… I will definitely remember to pick a product that I enjoy making. I had a great time with Jonah making a whole bunch of stress balls. And that really added to the joy of this experience.

Young Entrepreneurs: Helping Others (Part C)

Responsible business owners help others by donating a portion of their profits to their communities.  Think about how your business helped others.

  1. What organization did you choose to support?… I chose to donate to Me to We because it’s a organization I trust, I know a lot of about, and i’m a part of Me to We. And I know my money is 100% going to help someone.
  2. What does this organization do?… Me to We does a lot of different campaigns and fundraisers for countries and causes around the globe. The campaign I specifically chose to donate to is We Walk For Water I have a blog explaining what we did and what this. Click on the link to read it…
  3. How do you feel about helping others in this way?… It really feels great. I am an active helper around the school inside and out and i’m part of Me to We to be able to donate my own money to a foundation I trust and believe in.  It is amazing.

We Walk For Water

Every day girls must walk hours to collect clean water.
We’re the generation who can change this.

Twenty awesome grade 7 students in Me to We walked for water on Thursday, May 24th, 2018 during their lunchtime.  Each of them committed to collecting $25 in pledges.  Twenty-five dollars gives one person water for life.

  1.  I am proud of this because…

I am proud of walking for water because I get to participate in a charity that helps children (mostly females) that can give a child water for life ($25 gives a child water for life), as well as letting children  have an education instead of wasting hours and hours on collecting unclean water.

2. Something new that I learned and understand better…

Something I learned and now understand much better now, is how tiring it is to carry jugs and buckets of water, DAILY for eight hours.  As well as how much time children have wasted collecting water when they could be attending to an education for a successful future.

3. My biggest challenge was…

My biggest challenge was definitely carrying two buckets of water for half an hour, but at least I was able to go around the school eight times, and I got a taste of the work many children had to go through around the world.

  1. I still have questions and uncertainties about…

Why mostly girls have to spend most of their childhood life fetching water, why not boys, what makes girls not as important as boys? I think both genders are quite equal, we are both nothing but human beings that all deserve a fair life.

We Walk For Water

We walk for water was a total success!

I walked 11 laps and was one of the people who walked the most!

I’m so happy that I got to contribute and pay my respects!!!


1. I am proud of this because….

I am proud because i got to contribute to such a great cause, like that warms my heart and makes me feel good 🙂

I feel like i made a change even if it wasn’t big.

2. Something new that I learned and understand better

that there are people crying, suffering, and dying just to get water… That hurts my heart. Everyone should have equal privileges.

No one should be broken because of water.

I learned that there are people extinguishing because of water.

3. My biggest challenge was

Trying to not spill water from my bucket. Like for some reason the water would just hop out and soak me. \

It like jumps out of the bucket and tries to eat me or something :/

4. I still have questions and uncertainties about..

I have no questions.

It’s pretty self explanatory!

some people are born with mansions and lots of money, whilst others are born with no home no safe life and little chance to live.

We need stop this!!!

People should have the same privileges and treated the same as everyone else!!

We Walk For Water

Every day girls must walk hours to collect clean water.
We’re the generation who can change this.

Twenty awesome grade 7 students in Me to We walked for water on Thursday, May 24th, 2018 during their lunchtime.  Each of them committed to collecting $25 in pledges.  Twenty-five dollars gives one person water for life.

1. I am proud of this because…

I am proud of walking for water because there are lots of females in Sierra Leone who have to take very long trips just to get a bucket of dirty water from the rivers. I am proud to say that I walked for water because it was an experience that I will never forget, females everyday in Sierra Leone have to walk long trips just to get dirty water and they can’t get an education because of that!

2. Something new that I learned and understand better…

Something new that I learnt and understood better was that females have to go through the dreadful pain everyday. Everyday their hands, fingers, backs, and feet will ache and they also don’t get any education because of this situation.

3. My biggest challenge was…

My biggest challenge was that almost every minute or so, I would have to stop and put my two milk jugs on the ground to give my aching fingers a rest for a few seconds. I would then have to continue walking around the trail until I would have to stop again for a rest because it was heavy.

4. I still have questions and uncertainties about…

I still have questions about why females have to still walk to get dirty water.
People from different countries should come to Sierra Leone and build a water dispenser so that the girls will not have to walk very far and also get an EDUCATION!

We Walk For Water

Every day girls must walk hours to collect clean water.
We’re the generation who can change this.

Twenty awesome grade 7 students in Me to We walked for water on Thursday, May 24th, 2018 during their lunchtime.  Each of them committed to collecting $25 in pledges.  Twenty-five dollars gives one person water for life.

  1. I am proud of this because…..

I am proud of this because I did we walk for water around the school for 25 minutes while carrying 2 jugs of water. I also raised $25 which can give one person clean water for life.

2. Something new that I learned and understand better……..

I understand more clearly now that when girls go to fetch water for very long periods of time and far distances, it is very painful to walk to and back for water and that girls have very tire-some times fetching water.

3. My biggest challenge was…

The biggest challenge I had was the walk around the school while carrying water jugs.

4. I still have questions and uncertainties about…

A question I have is how will the water get to the people who need the water? Is it with a pipe? Are other people going to bring it?

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