Quiet Time 2023

Dear student.  We have been doing Quiet Time for a few months now…15 minutes, 3 times a week:

1. What things do you choose to do during your Quiet Time?

2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?

3.  What do you feel during Quiet Time?

4.  What do you notice about it?

5. What does it mean to you?

6. What surprised you?

7.  Who would you recommend it to?

8.  Do you have any questions?

Before you blog, I expect you to read the QUIET TIME BROCHURE posted on our class website. I look forward to hearing from you.


  • Q1. Something I choose to do during quiet time is draw
    Q2. There is nothing I don’t like about quiet time
    Q3. During quiet time I feel calm
    Q4. I noticed that people still keep talking sometimes
    Q5. Quiet time to me means peace
    Q6. Nothing really surprised me about it
    Q7. I recommend Quiet Time to anyone who needs it
    Q8. No, I do not have any questions.

  • Q1. What I like to do during quiet time is sleep, read books for points, and sometimes write stories.

    Q2. What I like about quiet time is that it helps people relax more when they’re alone; and what I dislike about it is the amount of noise in the room when someone is trying to sleep or concentrate on something. (ex. rummaging)

    Q3. During quiet time, I feel peaceful and sincere, it’s like being able to relax for a new subject.

    Q4. What I notice about quiet time is that it calms people down and helps them relax more.

    Q5. For me, quiet time means relaxation, and letting the teacher relax as well due to kids rummaging and not paying attention. ( that sometimes includes myself, if I’m being honest).

    Q6. Nothing really surprised me because I’ve done quiet time last year.

    Q7. I would recommend it to a class that doesn’t pay attention well and thats over-energetic on most days. (ex. our class).

    Q8. No, I don’t have any questions.

  • Q1. I read during quiet time.
    Q2. I don’t like that It’s 15 mins. I wish it was longer because then I can read more.
    Q3. I feel calm and relaxed during quiet time.
    Q4. I notice that most people are quiet.
    Q5. It means that I can read more.
    Q6. Nothing surprised me.
    Q7. I don’t know who I would recommend it to.
    Q8. No I don’t have any question.

  • Q1. I like to think about stuff and to draw.

    Q2. I like quiet time since we are able to choose what we wanna do.

    Q3. I feel calm but since its right before lunch, I also wish for it to be quickly finished.

    Q4. I notice how it is so calm and quiet.

    Q5. It means to me a time that I can do anything.

    Q6. I’m surprised how quiet it is. Its usually loud in class.

    Q7. I would recommend it to my sister. She is way too loud at home.

    Q8. I have no questions.

  • during quiet time I like to read a book or do any school work that I did not finish.
    What I like about quiet time is that I can choose what I wanna do.
    During quiet time I feel calm.
    What I notice about quiet time is that it makes people calmer.
    quiet time means I can relax.
    What surprised me is that many other schools do quiet time.
    I would not recommend it to anyone because I can not think of anyone who I would recommend it to.
    No I do not have any questions.

  • 1. During quiet time I usually read a novel, just sit there and think or have a nap.

    2. I like that during quiet time we don’t have to do anything work related, we can sleep or think if we want to, there’s nothing that I don’t like about quiet time.

    3. During quiet time I feel calmer cause I can focus on the music or a book or just my thoughts.

    4. I notice that even though our class is always talking and being loud during lessons or whenever, during quiet time they actually stop talking so maybe the music calms them down.

    5. Quiet time means to me just a time to be alone and do whatever I like for a few minutes.

    6. It surprised me that our school doesn’t need to use it as often as other schools.

    7. I would reccomend it to younger kids who might be excited or even older kids like highschoolers who might have too much energy.

    8. No I don’t have any questions.

  • The things I choose to do in quiet are usually day dreaming, I stare intensely at a spot without blinking and thinking about life. Something I like about quiet time is that we can freely choose anything we want and it’s quiet so whenever I am day dreaming, I don’t get disturbed by loud noise. During quiet time I feel delighted because we schedule quiet time right before lunch, so I feel relaxed going into lunch. What I notice about quiet time, is that majority of my classmates are mostly reading. What quiet time means to me is a time where we can relax and remove all our stress away. Quiet time always surprises me with how dead silent it is, sometimes it makes me feel uncomfortable but also happy. I would recommend quiet time to a person who is stressed. I don’t have any questions for quiet time.

  • Normally during quiet time I either read, sit there just thinking about random stuff in my life, or draw on my hand. There’s nothing I don’t like about quiet time but I like how we can do whatever we want because it’s just calming to do whatever you want. During quiet time I feel calm. During quiet time I notice that for the first few minutes, people normally still talk, but afterwards it’s quiet. For me quiet time doesn’t really mean anything to me. Something about quiet time that surprises me is how quiet everyone is because it’s so rare for everyone to be quiet. I’d recommend quiet time to someone who needs to relax if they’re stressed or worried. I don’t have any questions.

  • In quiet time I choose doing plasticine art. I like I can do my work quiet. I don’t like is when I don’t know some thing I can’t ask somebody. Hmm I feel I can do my work with quiet and no guy can riot me. It is good. I can sleep, watching Youtube and do homework. It can take a short rest, be more alert and more productive. First time I study in Douglas school I surprised with quiet time. I want to recommend to my grandmother.
    Yes, why can’t some body talking with their friends in quiet time?

  • During our Quiet time, I usually play some card games by myself. Something I like about our Quiet time is that we can do whatever we want because that is what makes our Quiet time enjoyable. During Quiet time, I always feel relaxed. In Quiet time, I’ve noticed that some people talk when they’re not supposed to. To me, Quiet time feels like a chance to relax my brain and restart my day. Nothing surprised me about Quiet time. I would recommend Quiet time to my Family. I do not have any questions about Quiet time.

  • I usually just draw or think about random things that are or that has happened in my life. I like how it’s really quiet and calm during quiet time, and I also like it because it’s rarely quiet in my house since Jayden always calls his friends and it sometimes annoys me because they’re always so loud. I usually feel relaxed during quiet time. I noticed that it’s almost the only time when the whole class is actually quiet. Quiet time doesn’t really means anything to me. When we first did quiet time it surprised me since it’s almost the only time when the whole class is quiet. I would recommend quiet time to someone that isn’t really a calm person. I don’t have any questions about quiet time.

  • Q.1 I usually look at the I pads for drawing references I probably take about 3 of 4 minutes doing that until I find a picture I like than I start to draw it. But if I am not drawing i probably am catching up on my extra work /homework. Q.2 I like that you get a 15 minute brake from your work and you get the freedom to do what ever you want. Q.3 During quite time I feel relaxed because I can focus on something other than the teacher and I don’t have to do work if I don’t want to I also feel happy because I can do some random stuff without getting in trouble for not doing my work. Q.4 I notice when ever we have quite time the class seems more relaxed and happy after because it was a good break. Q.5 What quiet time means to me is having a time to do what ever you want (unless its jumping around and being silly) and many people injoy having a break. Q.6 Noting has really suprised me other than not many people are better after quite time I don’t really think that quite time calms down our class like it did the school that first started quite time. Q.7 I’m not gonna lie I would recommend it to my litte sister since she’s a bit cray cray. Q.8 No I don’t have any questions I think I understand quite time pretty well.

  • When we do Quiet Time, I usually read a book that I want to read or a book from the list. I sometimes do some unfinished schoolwork or I just stare into space waiting for Quiet Time to end. I also like to sleep or take a nap whenever I’m tired. I like Quiet Time because it’s like the same thing as our morning walk. But we don’t go outside. We take a break from school work and we get to rest and clear our minds. The flute music that we use is alright because it’s peaceful but sometimes, it’s a bit loud. I guess the only thing that I don’t like about Quiet Time is when I don’t have anything to do and I get bored and so I just look at the timer, waiting for it to end. I feel peaceful and stress from usual schoolwork that I have is lifted a bit. I notice that people are quiet during Quiet Time hence the name. There’s nothing else that I really notice about Quiet Time but besides some people talking and/or whispering. To me Quiet Time means a part of a day that I can relax and just do something that doesn’t involve schoolwork. I also don’t have to pay attention to anything. Nothing surprises me in Quiet Time. I would recommend it to people or schools that might have students or teachers that are really stressed under a lot of pressure. I don’t question or have questions about Quiet Time. I think it’s an amazing program.

  • 1. I will do sleeping and use the ipad to draw during quiet time.
    2. I like to sleep and use a ipad because i like to sleep and draw with the ipad.
    3. I feel meditated during quiet time.
    4. I notice during quiet time students talk and get out of there sets and go to there friends during quiet time.
    5. Quiet time means to me that i get to meditate and no one gets to talk during quiet time.
    6. The thing that surprised me was everyone was quiet during quiet time.
    7. I would recommend it to gilpin elementary.
    8. why do we do 15 minutes for quiet time.

    I like to finish my work because work is important to me. I also draw random things on a piece of paper like lines and scribbles.

    I like how quiet time gives me the freedom to choose what I like to do. I also get to finish and catch up on work during Quiet Time.

    I feel normal and relaxed during quiet time because Noah is not being so loud. I also makes me more tired and sleepy. I also try to sleep during quiet time.

    I noticed that some people don’t stay in their bubble, and they pass notes, but I don’t care about them. I also noticed that I get more sleepier during Quiet Time.

    Quiet Time means being in my own bubble, being quiet, and finishing work. It means being more relaxed before lunch. Lunch is very chaotic and loud, so it calms me down, sometimes. Quiet Time is a 10/10 for me because I don’t like to be told what to do.

    Nothing is surprising about Quiet Time because I just finish work. Sometimes I just sit there and stare at people and what they’re doing.

    I would recommend it someone who needs to calm down a bit and is hyper, and so loud all the time.

    None about walking.

  • 1. what things do you choose to do during quit time?
    I usually go on the iPad to look for drawing ideas, read a book on the list or from the library I also zone out a lot during Quiet Time.

    2. What do you like or don’t like about Quiet Time, and why?
    I like that you can do what everything you want . there is nothing
    I don’t like about it.

    3. What do you feel during Quiet Time?
    I feel calm and relaxed and it makes me not as stressed

    4. What do you notice about it?
    it makes me focus more in class

    5. What does it mean to you?

    6. What surprised you?
    nothing surprised me.

    7. Who would you recommend it to?
    to anyone who is feeling stressed.

    8. Do you have any questions?
    no I do not have any questions

  • I usually I just day dream. I don’t like that we can’t talk to someone. I feel bored during quiet time. I notice that people whisper now and then. Quiet time means to me time to get lazy. It surprised me that it saved a whole school. I would recommend it to students who have too much emotional problems. No I don’t have any questions.

  • In Quiet time I usually sit in my chair and watch other people do stuff or I draw or finish work.
    I like the silence in Quiet time because I get to relax for 15 minutes.
    I feel relaxed in Quiet time because its very quiet.
    I notice that lots of people finish work or draw.
    Quiet time doesn’t really mean anything to me it’s just something we do in class 3 times a week.
    It surprises me how quiet our class can be in 15 minuets.
    Id recommend it to other schools because it can be nice to take your mind off of schoolwork.
    I do not have any questions for quiet time.

  • I like to sleep or put my head down during quiet time. I don’t like to talk to anyone during quite time. I feel great during. I notice that some people talk when its quiet time and I have to say shhh or zip it. it means I don’t have to do worksheets. What surprised me is when I have to tell some friends go back to there seat. I would tell mom and my brother. My question is why do I have to say shhhhh to friends in my class

  • Q1. Nothing, reading, or intrusive thoughts.
    Q2. I don’t like the whole not being able to talk thing.
    Q3. Nothing.
    Q4. Not much, people just talk a lot quieter.
    Q5. 15 minutes of slightly impure silence
    Q6. I have no idea how I could possibly be surprised.
    Q7. someone who gets too little sleep.
    Q8. I have no questions.

  • When we do Quiet Time, I usually draw. I like to draw my favourite flags of the world. I also like to read when I don’t want to draw. I like quiet time because I have the freedom to do anything by myself. However, I don’t like how you can’t play or do something quiet with my friends. I feel calm during quiet time because I’m in my personal bubble. I noticed when I do quite time I don’t talk to my friends. It means I have time for my hobby; drawing flags. I was surprised that I like quite time. I thought I would’ve hated it because I couldn’t talk to my friends. I would recommend it to classes that are aggressive and energetic. I do not have any questions.

  • 1. I usually draw, but if I have work to do then I’ll finish it.

    2. I don’t mind Quiet Time because I basically do the same thing at home without any music or music I like. However, I really hate the chimes playing before Quiet Time. I don’t like those type of noises, and I would feel more nervous about Quiet Time even when I shouldn’t be.

    3. I feel all right, It helps me finish my work and worry less about deadlines. If I don’t have work then I can draw whatever that comes into my head.

    4. I noticed that I sometimes feel more relaxed, but the chimes ruin it. It makes me feel more tense, and my brain starts to feel dissatisfied.

    5. I’m not really sure, I think it just means I get to finish my work.

    6. Nothing surprised me that much, I had Quiet Time last year as well. My former teacher would let us listen to our own music though, it was really relaxing because there were no extra sounds like the chimes.

    7. I would recommend it to anyone that feels stressed out. Quiet Time really helps you feel much calmer and relaxed. Doing whatever you want makes it even better.

    8. Not really, no.

  • During Quiet Time, I usually choose to read a novel from home, play chess online on either the iPad or computer.
    What I like about Quiet Time is the ability to choose what to do in that 15 minute interval. What I don’t like about Quiet Time is not being able to talk or chat quietly with my friends or even interacting with them.
    When Quiet Time sets in, I feel calm most of the time and start reading a book. Other times I’m tired and just fall partially asleep.
    I don’t notice anything about Quiet Time other than clearing your mind and being able to freely do what you want to do.
    Quiet Time to me means a relaxing part of the day.
    Nothing surprised me about Quiet Time except the fact that this is the only class that does Quiet Time.
    I would recommend Quiet Time to my classmate because he’s very loud and uncontrollably goofy in so many ways.
    I do not have any questions about Quiet Time.

  • I usually like to read, do unfinished work, draw things, or even just lay my head on the desk and have a rest. I don’t have anything I dislike about quiet time because its relaxing and you can do any thing u want, which is quiet. I like the relaxing music very much and also the chimer. I feel very relaxing and calm during quiet time. It helps to calm down when you’re stressed and the chimer and the relaxing flute music helps too. It means a lot because you get a break from work and also you can have some time for your self. At first I was surprised how relaxing and calm it makes me during quiet time, and I like that you have some alone time. I don’t have any thing to recommend really because every thing that is needed for quiet time is there. No, I do not have any questions.

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