Young Entrepreneurs: Helping Others (Part C)

Responsible business owners help others by donating a portion of their profits to their communities.  Think about how your business helped others.

  1.  What organization did you choose to support?
  2. What does this organization do?
  3. How do you feel about helping others in this way?


  • 1. The organization I chose to support was the B.C.’s Children’s Hospital.

    2. The B.C.’s Children’s Hospital is a hospital that specifically helps children with diseases or health issues. Doctors (and other hospital professionals) help children battle their diseases and recover.

    3. I feel reassured, because if I were to be in the hospital, I’d know there would be people like us donating to hospitals for better equipments for surgeries, and health care.

  • Young Entrepreneurs: Helping Others (Part C)

    What organization did you choose to support?

    The organization/charity that I chose to support was B.C. Children’s Hospital because there are lots of children who need the help to get better and to also let the hospital do more research on different diseases.

    What does this organization do?

    This organization/charity helps children who need their help, they help children get their health better and to also research more about different diseases and what they can do to help them.

    How do you feel about helping others in this way?

    I feel like it is a really amazing to help the B.C Children’s Hospital because there are children who need our help to make them better.

  • I will be donation to a Me To We organisation because they help kids get clean water and do fundraisers to help kids in need, I feel like if I donate I can do good things in life.

  • 1. What organization did you choose to support?
    I thought it was a great idea and it woulds sell Quickly but my product but I didn’t sell all of them but most of

    2. What does this organization do?
    make the price lower because lots of people all ready spent most of their money. Also I could have sat at the

    3. How do you feel about helping others in this way?
    I feel so delighted to see that so many people I can help by donation just by selling stuff!


    This is my product.

  • 1. I gave my money to my parents because they were the ones who supported me with my product, and also so I can help out a little.

    2. My parents save up for my future ans my sisters future.

    3. Happy because I am giving back to those who helped me.

  • I feel like either donating 10% to Me to We or the BC Children’s Hospital. Me to We because they’re raising money and they donate money to country’s in need and the Children’s Hospital because I just feel like donating money to those kids in need.

    Like I mentioned earlier, Me to We donates to country’s in need and for the hospital, I just feel like helping the kids in need.

    I feel great about helping others. I can’t really explain how I feel, I just feel happy.

  • I gave all my money to my parents because we need money for food, power, clothes, and water.

    My parents go to work every day to feed us protect us to give us water. My parents always reminds us a lot so we will be always healthy and protected.

    I helped my parent to buy food, to pay for power and to pay for water. I feel very happy for helping my parents.

  • 1. The organisation I wanted to suppourt was Alliance of Hope, its a organisation who helps out families who had lost their family members because of suicide.

    2. This organisation is to help the people who loss their loved ones because of suicide thoughts. Itès someone who heals families and give suppourt to families who had lost their loved ones.

    3. I feel very happy to give warmth and support to the families who had lost a family member who had suicidal thoughts. Suicide is not a joke.

  • What organization did you choose to support?
    I chose to support Me to We, an organization I already am a part of at school. Recently Me to We at my school had a fundraiser called We Walk For Water. The participants made posts so be sure to check them out!

    What does this organization do?
    Me to We helps people in countries all over the world get supplies they need to live better lives. These countries are poor and can’t give all the supplies people in the country need. Often young girls have to walk for hours every day to collect water. Because of this these girls can’t have an education. Me to We helps families in difficult situations by building schools, constructing wells, and giving motives of steady income to families.
    If you’d like to learn more or donate click on the links bellow!

    How do you feel about helping others in this way?
    It feels amazing to know that you did something for someone that can change their life! I am quite happy to have done something that can help so many people.

  • 1. What organization did you choose to support?

    I chose to support the Canucks Autism Network organization.

    2. What does this organization do?

    This organization funds special programs and events so that individuals with autism that go to these programs and events can build their confidence and skills, without a fee that may have otherwise hindered people from experiencing such programs.

    3. How do you feel about helping others in this way?

    I feel happy, that I am helping others in this way. Even though I am donating only a small amount, I am still glad that I am supporting the organization’s cause, especially because my sister has been with the organization for some years now, and I know from her experience that the effects of this organization on her have been nothing but positive!

  • 1. I choose to support B.C. Children’s Hospital because I was born there.

    2. B.C. Children’s Hospital is a hospital that helps children and babies with all different types of diseases, sicknesses, injuries, and child birth.

    3. I feel like I’m helping the community out ( even though it’s only $1.31 ) and that I’m contributing to the community.

  • 1. The organization that I plan to donate my 10%/$1.00 to is the B.C.S.P.C.A.(British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) because I really like dogs and other animals.

    2.The organization prevents or save cats, dogs, and other animals from being stray, or abused. Sometimes the society help adopt animals as pets or companionship or help lost animals come back to their owner.

    3. I feel really exceptional and positive about helping aniamls because so many animals get abused, abandoned, or even killed because no one is there to help.

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