Young Entrepreneurs: evaluating your product (Part B)

You must also consider the success of your product.  Remember, the amount of money you made is not what’s most important.  The main goal with this program was to have fun learning about business.

  1.  Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)
  2. How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?
  3. What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?


  • My business name was crazy stress balloons and my slogan was Wanna Stay Calm? Buy My Product and my picture is, but it wont Etrl and copy I feel like I could of chosen something else, and not do what lots of people do because lots and lots of people made stress balloons, people would choose the better stress balloons.

  • Young Entrepreneurs Market(Part B)

    Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)

    My business name was called Natures Scrub and my slogan was “Scrub a dub dub with my new sugar scrub!”

    How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?

    I feel like I chose a great product to make, but I wasn’t really targeting children and I think that if I made a product that kids would like, I would have had more customers.

    What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?

    Some tips are:

    -not overprice it
    -change scents(not make it so overpowering)
    -sell stuff that kids would want

    Here is a photo of my product:

  • My business name was called, Calming Glitter Bottles and my slogan was, Goodbye to Anxiety. Here’s a link to my product:

    I feel about 8/10 because I didn’t sell all of it, so now I feel like I should’ve made stress balls because I make stress balls real nicely, but still, I feel great about my product choice.

    I think I could’ve at least make my area a bit more eye catching, because my friend, Anjuli, her station was pretty bright. So I should’ve put a bit more brighter colours to catch attention.

  • My name and slogan is “Slime!” and I posted a link already, I am pretty proud of my product and not very many people chose the same as me, and some tips I would use to sell a product is to put a lot of effort in it.

  • I felt bad because it wasn’t the right season and my product was just paper. I felt bad because it was really easy to make.

    To make things that relates to the season. To make my product out of something that look nice.

    This is my Product:

  • 1. My business name is Friendship Bracelets. My slogan is Life is too short to wear boring bracelets, Buy Jean’s bracelets now! Here’s a link to my product’s photo,

    2. Amazing because a lot of people bought my product, and they seemed to enjoy it.

    3. Ask people what they want to buy, and survey them, because if you don’t, then they might not buy your product.

  • 1.My business name is called Supreme, Superb, Stress Balls. My slogan is called, “You can’t relieve stress any better than this.” A picture is here, I tried to make my product look like “Surpeme” which is a clothing company. It did not look one bit like it. This is a case of expectation vs reality. The slogan was just something that I made up. It just popped up in my head and I said it was good enough.

    2.I feel like everyone is doing stress balls, so I feel like I need to make mine stand out, but I really didn’t know how! So, I felt very bored of my product because everyone is doing it.

    3. Some tips are that you have to make your product stand out from the others around you. Also, you should make the buyer welcomed, talk to them like they’re your friends. Make sure you have some posters instead of just your product on your table because it would not look good if you just had your product and that’s it. If your posters look amazing, you’ll get more sells. It also depends how awesome your product is as well!

  • The name of my business was Ninja Stress balls, and my slogan was Don’t stress! Squeeze and rest. Here is a picture of me at my Young Entrepreneur Show! I really liked selling stress balls because of all the people that were selling them. People would come to my stand and i would have to tell them why made my stress balls different then everybody else’s stress balls. Some tips that i have are to try and be super energetic when people are walking by and tell them how great your product is.

  • 1.My wonderful picture of my product is on the link, don’t be afraid to click!
    My business name was Magical Stress Balls because my stress were the most magical from them all! My slogan was “Squeezing away stress”, you won’t ever regret buying it!

    2.When I first thought of the idea, it was one of my greatest ideas yet, but when I heard that so many other people were making stress balls as well, I thought it would go downhill from here, since it was so popular, I would have so much competition, but thankfully I was the only one who was making obreez stress balls, so mine sold out very quickly.

    3. Here’s my advice y’all:
    – Don’t make your product pricey, if yours don’t sell, lower the price and give people discounts.

    -Make something primary kids would like, they’re rich rich rich!

    – Make something, you actually enjoy making, and you’re not dreading!

  • 1. My Business name is “Star Chains” and My slogan is “Keep Up With The Chains.”
    This is my picture right here

    2. I felt exceptional but at the same time I felt dreadful. For example I sold my product and made $10. Yay! But I a lot of people made around $20-$30 or even $40 on just a lucid product like stress balls for $1-$1.50. That’s why I feel exceptional but also dreadful.

    3.Some tips I could use are making sure to do something that people need in there life. For instance I could make an object that relive people stress,anxiety or even just to have a healthier body.

  • 1.The name I chose for my business was Candelis. Candelis is the latin word for candles. My slogan was “Sweet Scented Candles that Mothers will especially enjoy on Mother’s Day!”
    Here is a link to a picture of my scented candles:

    2. Making candles as my product was definitely a challenge, considering you have to go through the process of boiling wax, adding candle fragrances, crayons for food dye, and freezing candles at the right temperature so the wax wouldn’t end up cracking apart, as well as maintaining the scents. I regret putting so much effort in making the candles presentable, but luckily they sold out, though I ended up not making much money.

    3. Think deeply about what you want to make and how it might help others or interest others. If a certain product choice is popular within your other classmates, try to avoid it unless you know for certain that yours will be unlike the others, and it will stand out among the rest. Think about how much it will cost you to make your product, and how much profit you’ll make from it. Be sure not to overprice too much, but also don’t have a very low price either, you want to be making profit.

  • my slogan is squish while you play when you do it all day

    1. What organization did you choose to support?
    I thought it was a great idea and it woulds sell Quickly but my product but I didn’t sell all of them but most of them.

    2. What does this organization do?
    make the price lower because lots of people all ready spent most of their money. Also I could have sat at the


    This is my product.

  • Begin by telling us about your business and slogan.

    My business name was Pencil Chest (I probably should’ve given it a more suitable name) and my slogan was “Never lose a pencil again!”

    How do you feel about the product you selected?

    I think I should’ve made something that children would want more or something that kids would find “fun” since most customers were children younger than me and between kindergarten and grade three.

    What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future

    My tips would be:

    1. Something kids would like.
    2. Something people would find fun. A large amount of customers were students between kindergarten and grade 3. I think something fun would captivate the young audience at the show.

    If you would like to see a picture of my product click on the link bellow!
    Have a nice day!

  • 1.Begin by telling us your business name and slogan (do you have a pic?)

    My business name was Keen Keychains, and my slogan was “You’ll be keen to buy!” Here is a photo of the aforementioned product, if you want to see it:

    2.How do you feel about the product you selected for your business?

    I feel pretty proud of my product choice because I think it turned out quite well! I wish I crafted more of my product, because I think I could have made a bigger profit if I had. I also regret not using thinner brushes for more detailed designs, for it looked sloppy to me. Furthermore, I would have made the product less breakable by coating it in a different gloss to make it more durable. However, I still feel really good about my product because it sold out!

    3.What are some tips that you could use to select a product to sell in the future?

    One tip I have is, don’t make your product too pricey! People will not want to buy your product if it costs too much, no matter how much time, effort, and money you put into making it. However, don’t go on the other end of the spectrum and under-price yourself- you want to make money, not lose it! A second tip I have is, try to make a product that targets a specific demographic, so that you sell more! I wish I made my product more cute so I could sell more to the younger kids. Furthermore, make an eye-catching product that people will notice, remember, and buy! The cooler your product, the bigger your profit! Kudos to you if your product is strong and not easily broken, that is something I struggled with! Lastly, have a fun time making your product!

  • 1. My business name is “K Bottles” and my slogan is ”Seas The Day.”
    Here is the picture of my product and me looking depressed.

    2. I feel like my product was actually quite popular and fits in with what people want. Most of my ocean bottles looked marvelous and most of them sold out. 2 other people were also selling ocean bottles.

    3. I think you should sell something that is already trendy or something that can be trendy. You should sell something that has a lot of varieties and variations. so your customers have more to pick from instead of just one thing. Something that isn’t really popular so there is no competition when you’re selling.

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