Young Entrepreneurs: considering your success (Part A)

Congratulations!  Now that you have finished your Young Entrepreneur marketplace, you can consider your success and learn from your experience.

[Trademark by PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs, an educational program designed for grades 4-8 classrooms.  PowerPlay Strategies Incorporated, Surrey, B.C.]    (Thanks Mr. Baldin for introducing this to our school c/o Vancity).

1.  What did you enjoy? 

2.  What did you learn?

3.  What was one problem you had?  How did you overcome it?


  • The young Entrepreneur was a good experience and I learned how to start a business. But it is hard because you need to make prototype and share your item that you want to sell and make it better because people will give you feed back, and maybe that will help with making your item better and I think I will remember that I made an item and sold it for actual money. I don’t ever want to start a business and probably never will. The one problem I had was actually making the product and selling it but i started making money.

  • Part A: The young entrepreneur marketplace was fun to do and what I enjoyed was that I got to make my product and sell it. What I learned is that it can be quite challenging to sell your product, and one problem I had was selling my product because I had to get the customers attention but I had to overcome it by putting my table a bit further which worked.

  • making my book marks
    how to sell stuff
    not a lot people buy book marks

  • Young Entrepreneurs Market(Part A)

    What did you enjoy?

    I enjoyed making and selling my products and I also enjoyed how I got to interact with my customers. I enjoyed how I got to see other peoples products and how they sold it and how they made it.

    What did you learn?

    I learned that you should always test try your products(the scents). I also learned that you should do some market research before making your product to sell, and I also learned that you should not make so many products.

    What was one problem you had? How did you overcome it?

    I had a problem with making the price too overpriced, I overcame it by lowering the products cost so that it would be a bit cheaper.

  • I enjoyed trying to sell my product. I had a friendly competition with my table mate Joel, people would come and ask who’s stress ball is better [we both did stress balls] i would say mine he would say his but some people didn’t even buy it! I learned that selling things can be emotional, challenging, and sometimes lots of fun. I had a problem with people not buying my product and buying Joel’s. I soon noticed Joel was standing, telling people how awesome his product was, so i figured if i do the same ill get more sales, I tried and it definitely payed off. :}

  • 1. What Did You Enjoy?
    I enjoyed people walking around saying compliments and saying they my product was cool or creative. I also enjoyed that we got to do our own product and not assigned a specific thing. Finally I liked seeing the kids faces or expressions when they came by my stand to see my product

    2. What Did You Learn?
    I learned that when you make a lot of varieties people will buy more because they have choices. Another thing i learned was having an idea is hard to put into reality.

    3. What Was One Problem You Had? How Did You Overcome It?
    I had to overcome time and a lot!!!! of Sleep just to make my product. I also had a hard time on trying to find the materials.

  • 1. I really enjoyed making my product and seeing if people liked it or not. I like how I tried to make my product even better and how I am going to sell it. I do not know if this is what happens in the real world of how people create a product and sell it. Overall, I think I will remember this moment of my life because I think it will help me when I grow up!

    2. So what did I learn from this experience I had? Well, my first version of the product that I made was with, flower and water, I didn’t really remember why I did it, but it was a bad idea anyway. Over time, it became hard and it wasn’t this somewhat fluffy material anymore. It wasn’t really at all from the beginning people said. So this taught me that flour and water, mixed together to make a stress ball, is not a decent idea. Instead of putting these two ingredients together, I wondered what else was fluffy and people enjoyed? It came to me and it was, SLIME! I didn’t make a lot of money though. 🙁

    3. The one problem and I hate was of course the water and flour mixed together, there was another horrible idea that I had. When I made the first version of my stress ball (flour and water), I started making more because I thought it would stay in this type of substance for long (turned out it didn’t), so I made more. Right now, when I am thinking back, I wasted too many balloons and time on them. Of course it was the first version of my product and “experiment”.

  • 1. Telling children what the product was. They seemed quite interested at the prospect of liquid that, through simplistic thermal cooling, could turn into a rubber! giving them the possibility of doing thew same.
    2. the importance of having strict schedules and plans. It was due to this lack of organisation that my product did not sell well.
    3. Buyers. I did not necessarily overcome it.

  • 1.I enjoyed selling my product because that means people like my product, and I also enjoyed looking at kids expressions when they came to my stand.

    2.That I need to work on counting money. I also need to work on talking more because there was a kid who kept looking at my stand but not buying anything. When I started talking, she bought one.

    3.How to lock bracelets, but I got my Mom to do it. I was also too shy to talk, so I looked at the other students around me, and I noticed they were really talkative, so i did the same thing, and I got a lot of sales.

  • it was fun because we got to make are own a product and sell it and i got to sell all of my product.

  • I enjoyed buying and looking at other peoples products. I had fun looking at
    peoples awesome product. I had fun choosing what to buy for my mother.

    I learn that we can make home made things that people will like to buy.I also learn that we can make our own business.

    I made a product that isn’t for May and I only made a few. i didn’t fix anything.

  • Young Entrepreneurs Markets (Part A)

    What did you enjoy?

    I enjoyed seeing people’s reaction to my product, bringing a kitty (change) for my customers, and to see my peers products.

    What did you learn?

    I learned that I need to bring more kitty, just in case, I ran out of money to give to my customers, You should make the price higher than what it costs to make the product.

    What was one problem you had? How did you overcome it?

    I only had one problem. A lot of people thought my soaps were too expensive. I made it cheaper, after I made it cheaper a lot more people came to my stand.

  • 1. What did you enjoy?

    I enjoyed making money, looking at other peoples ideas, and talking to my

    2. What did you learn?

    I learned you have to do a lot of research and, redo it over and over again to get a great product.

    3. What was one problem you had?How did you overcome it?

    The rocks weren’t all smooth and small I tried clay, rocks from the
    stores, then I used stress balls.

  • 1. I enjoyed people agreeing to buy my product, getting the money, hearing the cold,hard coins going in my money box…hehe. Loved the moment of my success when I sold out! #Officalbusiness

    2. I learned that yelling helps the slow business. I got many funny looks, but it was worth it. I kinda begged people to buy it. From all the yelling, my voice sounded a frog afterwards. A popsicle helped a lot!

    3. A problem I had was half the stress balls were getting wet, so I had to dry half of them in so little time. I prayed so hard, that they wouldn’t get more wet. Many paper towels were needed.

  • I enjoyed many things from the entrepreneurs project. I enjoyed making my product,, and I enjoyed learning how to start a business. That was a really fum experience for me.

    I learned a lot of things. First, I learned how to start a business. Second, I learned how to make a glitter bottle like a pro! Finally, I learned how hard starting a business is.

    My number one problem was how much glue I had. So I was making the last 4 but I had 2 more bottles of glue left. I was stuck. So I figured out how to divide it and it worked.

  • 1. What did you enjoy?

    I enjoyed making my product because I found that making a product with my hands was a calming experience, especially when the end product looked aesthetically pleasing. I also enjoyed selling my product, chiefly because I sold out!

    2. What did you learn?

    I learned that it’s good to share a table with someone who is selling a cool product, because then when people come to see their product, they will see yours too, and then your chances of people buying your product are better. I also learned that even if you put a lot of time and effort into your product, people will still want to buy your product for a really low price.

    3. What was one problem you had? How did you overcome it?

    One problem I had was that the product broke really easily and when I tried to flatten or smooth it, the sides would crack or crumble. I overcame this problem by making the clay more damp with water, and coating the key chains in gloss after painting them.

  • Here is a picture of my product!

    The Young Entrepreneur Show was an enjoyable experience I think my classmates and I will all cherish.

    What did I enjoy?
    I enjoyed talking with customers, getting compliments of course, and the entire fair. The fair was quite enjoyable. A lot of people came and enjoyed what my class mates and I sold.

    What did I learn?
    I learned how fun and difficult making a business is, cheap and small products can be better than expensive products. The fair had so many learning experiences for me and I enjoyed these experiences.

    What was one problem I had and how did I overcome it?
    I made one mistake that could have been costly if my friend hadn’t had tape with him. I had forgotten to glue something and it had fallen off before the fair. I used my friends tape and works just great!

  • 1. What did you enjoy?

    I enjoyed making my product and testing out colours with food colouring, and I enjoyed the reaction of my customers when they saw my product. I also enjoyed the complements people gave me on how hard I worked on my table.

    2. What did you learn?

    I learned that people sometimes don’t give the full amount price because they don’t know the price of my product. I also learned that most people don’t bother reading the signs I put on my table that have the information they need like, what it is, the price, etc. and they just end up asking me when it’s right there.

    3. What was one problem you had? How did you overcome it?

    Mostly, people would come in big crowds. They would ask a lot of questions when they’re were signs in front of them and so I had to answer their questions and deal with the customers that are trying to buy my product. I never found a solution to it.

  • 1. I enjoyed getting lots of surprised, happy expressions from children, adults, and staff! Once they took a sniff of a candle. As well as getting so many compliments from plenty of customers and window shoppers, and surprisingly I was able to sell out about maybe half and hour before the market ended.

    2.I learned that you’ll sell well if the scent of you candle is pleasant and strong, as well as having aesthetically pleasing colors which will also draw in customers. I also learned that if you only stand at your stall, customers won’t be very interested, that’s why I would ask majority of the people walking by if they’d like to smell the candles I had out.

    3.A problem I had while selling was that most people forgot their money or didn’t have any on them, so to overcome this problem I simply reserved candles for two of my customers.

  • 1: I did not enjoy any part of it, I find it not interesting.

    2: I learned that you should watch how to make it first before you do it on your own.

    3: I had one problem and that problem was when I baked my clay it all melted, I did not overcome it because I have no patience to go buy a new clay.

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