Term 2 Overview

Term 2 Overview

(December 2023 – March 2024)

The scope and sequence of the following learning goals will be determined by the classroom teacher.

Curricular Area Content

Analyzing and interpreting experiments in data probability develops an understanding of chance.

Data represented in graphs can be used to show many-to-one correspondence.

Polygons are close shapes with similar attributes that can be described, measured, and compared.

Development of computational fluency and multiplicative thinking requires analysis of patterns and relations in multiplication and division.

Closed shapes have area and perimeter that can be described, measured, and compared.

Probability and Data Analysis (December)

-probability experiments predicting single outcomes

-recording results using tallies and in single and double bar graphs and pictographs


Multiplication and Division Facts to 100: (January)

-understanding the relationship between multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction

-using flexible computation strategies

-using multiplication and division in real-life contexts and problem-based situations

-one-step equations involving an unknown number


Geometry: (February)

-regular and irregular polygons


-classification of prisms and pyramids

-single transformations (grade 5)


Measurement: (March)

relationship between area and perimeter

-area measurement of squares and rectangles

-perimeter of regular and irregular shapes

Language Arts

Big Ideas:

Questioning what we hear, read, and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens.

Comprehend and Connect:

-class read-aloud focusing on: questioning, connecting, summarizing, visualizing, and inferencing to deepen understanding of texts

-poetry reading focusing on connecting, visualizing, and inferencing to deepen understanding

-non-fiction reading and viewing connected to Social Studies, Science, and Health Education


Create and Communicate:

-fiction writing focusing on adding interesting details and examples, exploring a writer’s voice and perspective

-poetry writing featuring a variety of literary and poetic devices

-non-fiction writing connected to Social Studies, Science, and Health Education

-applying metacognitive strategies and processes to develop self as a writer


Big Ideas:

Matter has mass, takes up space, and can change phase.

Solutions are homogeneous.

Phases of Matter:

-the phases of matter

-the effect of temperature on particle movement

-physical changes of matter


Solutions and Solubility:

-solutions can be separated through distillation, evaporation, and crystallization

-dissolving: the process of forming a solution

Social Studies

Big Ideas:

The pursuit of valuable natural resources has played a key role in changing the land, people, and communities of Canada.

Early European and Indigenous Interactions and Trade:

-European travel to and exploration of North America

-the fur trade, location of fur trading sites, the intended and unintended consequences of the fur trade

-conflict and cooperation between Indigenous people and European explorers and traders

-create a timeline by sequencing objects, images, or events


Big Ideas:

Artists experiment in a variety of ways to discover new possibilities.

-seasonal art

-artist study: Kevin Peeace

-traditional and contemporary Indigenous arts and art-making processes

-symbolism and metaphor create and represent meaning

-processes, materials, technologies, tools, and techniques to support arts activities

Physical and Health Education

Big Idea:

Personal choices and social environmental factors influence our health and well-being.

Developing healthy relationships helps us feel connected, supported, and valued.

Physical Education:

-team sports such as soccer, handball, skittles, capture the rings, assorted tag games

-emergent basketball skills


Health Education:

-puberty: physical, emotional, and social changes associated with puberty

-safety: at home, at school, in the community, and online


(Grade 5)

Big Ideas:

With simple French, we can describe ourselves and our interests.

Vocabulary: colours, animals, school supplies

-comprehend key information in slow, clear speech and simple texts

Career Education

Big Ideas:

Leadership requires listening to and respecting the ideas of others.

Public identity is influenced by personal choices and decisions.

Emergent leadership skills

Problem-solving and decision-making strategies

Applied Design, Skills and Technology

Big Ideas:

The choice of technology and tools depends on the task.


-Salt crystals (Science)

-Online Safety Presentation (Health Education)