Welcome Back 2023 – 2024

Monday, September 11, 2023

To the Parents / Guardians of students in Division 2,

My name is Christina Pook, and I will be your child’s teacher this year.  I am looking forward to a fun, successful and productive school year.



Communication between school and home is important for student success.  I can be reached via email at christina.pook@burnabyschool.ca or on the phone by calling the school office.

I have a class website.  You will find it by clicking on the ‘School Info’ then ‘Staff’ on the Glenwood Elementary webpage.  There you will find notices, term overviews, a weekly schedule, and other information.  You can sign-up to receive notifications when there is a new post.    http://blogs.sd41.bc.ca/pookc/

Each student will have a planner this school year.  Please check and sign the planner each night for important information or notices and have your child return it to school each day.

Nut-Aware School:

Glenwood Elementary is a nut-aware school.  Some members of our school community have severe allergies to nuts and nut products.  For the safety of others, please do not send nuts or nut products to school.

Absences and Late Arrivals:

  • If your child is going to be absent or late, please let me know via email, and call the school office.

Food and Beverages:

  • Students will eat their morning snack and lunch in their classroom, at their desk.
  • Students are encouraged to bring a reusable water bottle to school each day.
  • Students are not permitted to chew gum at school.

Personal Items:

  • Students are encouraged to leave all personal items (electronics, gaming devices, toys, make-up) at home. Items that are brought to school will be kept in students’ backpacks in the coatroom during the school day.
  • Student are not permitted to use any electronic devices during the school day. If a student needs to contact a family member, they will use the school phone located in the office.

Outdoor Recess and Lunch:

  • Students at Glenwood Elementary go outside every day for recess and lunch.
  • When it rains, please send your child to school with rain boots, a rain jacket, and umbrella.
  • Students are encouraged to keep a change of clothes (socks, pants, shirt, shoes) at school in the event they get wet while outside.
  • Students will be permitted to stay inside in the event of severe inclement

Physical Education:

  • We will have Physical Education several times per week, either indoors or outdoors. Please ensure your child has running shoes everyday at school so they can participate safely.  For safety reasons, students who are not wearing appropriate footwear may be asked to sit-out of Gym class.


  • Currently, the Intermediate Music position is not staffed. I will let parents know once the position has been filled and a Music schedule has been set.


  • Nerpio is our school Teacher-Librarian. Students will visit the library on Tuesdays to check-out and return books.


  • Birthdays are a special time for students and their families. If you child is having a birthday and would like to share a small treat with the class, please contact me in advance to arrange this.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via email or on the phone.

Christina Pook

