School Supplies

Glenwood School Supply List – Grade 3 + 4

Please purchase the following items and send them to school with your child on Monday, September 9th, 2024.  Label items with your child’s name.

1 pencil box

1 pencil sharpener (with case)

2 packages wood-cased pencils (sharpened please)

4 Dixon white pearl vinyl erasers

1 package of Crayola wide tip felt pens (16 pack)

1 package of Crayola fine tip felt pens (24 pack)

1 package of Crayola pencil crayons (24 pack)

4 fine tip Expo dry erase markers

1 Expo eraser

1 pair Fiskars scissors (child size)

4 large Elmer’s glue sticks

1 bottle of Elmer’s liquid school glue

1 black ultra-fine Sharpie

1 Crayola watercolours set (24 pack)

1 Crayola oil pastels (16 pack)

1 ruler, metric 30 cm, transparent

8 duo-tangs (3 prong)

1 box Kleenex

All students also need the following:

1 backpack (large enough to hold snack, lunch, water bottle, library books, planner, and other items)

1 extra change of clothes (in a bag with a handle, to be kept in the coat room at school)

1 pair of running shoes for Physical Education activities

1 reuseable water bottle

Printable PDF:  Glenwood School Supply List – Grade 1, 2, 3, 4