Term 2 Overview

Term 2 Learning Goals

(December 2024 – March 2025)

Scope and sequence of the following learning goals may change to meet the students’ learning needs.

Curricular Area Content

Big Ideas:

The likelihood of possible outcomes can be examined, compared, and interpreted.

Development of computational fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers requires flexible decomposing and composing.

Standard units are used to describe, measure, and compare attributes of objects’ shapes.

Probability and Data Analysis:

-using comparative language (certain, uncertain, more, less, equally likely)

-developing an understanding of chance using spinners, dice, and coin tosses

-recording results using tallies

-predicting single outcomes

-one-to-one correspondence with bar graphs, pictographs, and tables


Multiplication and Division Foundations (grade 3)

-skip counting forward and backward

understanding foundational concepts of multiplication (groups-of, arrays, repeated addition)

-understanding foundational concepts of division (sharing, grouping, repeated subtraction)

-multiplication and division are related


Multiplication and Division Developing Fluency (grade 4)

computational strategies for multiplying up to 10X10 and the related division facts

-multiplication and division are related

-recall of 2’s, 5’s and 10’s


Geometry and Measurement:

-identifying 3D objects according to the 2D shapes of faces and number of edges / vertices

-describing attributes of 3D objects

-comparing 3D objects

-regular and irregular polygons

-line symmetry

-linear measurement using standard units (centimeter, meter, kilometer)

-introduce concepts of perimeter, area, and circumference

Language Arts

Big Ideas:

Using language in creative and playful ways helps us understand how language works.

Stories and other texts help us learn about ourselves, our families, and our communities.

Comprehend and Connect:

-fiction reading and listening strategies: visualizing, connecting, predicting, and summarizing

-poetry and figurative language

-non-fiction reading and listening strategies: vocabulary building, using contexts clues, and non-fiction text features to deepen understanding


Create and Communicate

-personal response writing and communicating

-poetry writing and figurative language

-writing conventions: conjunctions, commas, quotation marks, and simple and compound sentences

-oral language: taking turns as speaker and listener to share thoughts, opinions, and ideas

-non-fiction report writing (report on a Canadian province)


Big Ideas:

Grade 3: All matter is made up on particles.

Grade 4: Matter has mass, takes up space, and can change phase.

States of Matter

-matter is anything that has mass and takes up space

-atoms are building blocks of matter

-phases of matter

-effect of temperature on particle movement

-make predictions based on prior knowledge

-collect simple data

-use tables, simple bar graphs, or other formats to represent data

-make simple inferences based on their results

-transfer and apply learning to new situations

Social Studies

Big Ideas:

The pursuit of valuable natural resources has played a key role in changing the land, people, and communities of Canada.

Canada’s Provinces

-physiographic features and natural resources of Canada

-recognize that symbols are used to represent concrete and abstract ideas (provincial flags, animals, plants)

-interpret simple maps

-apply strategies for information gathering

-record information from various sources

-organize relevant information for a presentation


Big Ideas:

The mind and body work together when creating works of art.


-various winter art projects using a variety of materials

-Artist study: Norval Morrisseau (contemporary Indigenous art)

Physical and Health Education

Big Ideas:

Movement strategies and skills help us learn how to participate in different types of physical activity.

Having good communication skills and managing our emotions enables us to develop and maintain healthy relationships.

Physical Education:

-developing emergent basketball skills

-participating in physical activities in the community (ice skating)

-various team / partner games and activities

-cooperative and competitive games


Health Education:

-strategies and skills to use in potentially hazardous, unsafe, or abusive situations (in person and online)

-nature and consequence of bullying

Career Education

Big Ideas:

Grade 3: Learning is a life-long enterprise.

Grade 4: Good learning and working habits contribute to short- and long-term success.

Short- and Long-term Goal Setting:

SMART goal-setting strategy

-identify steps required to help achieve short-term goals

-identify sources of support at home, school, and in the community

Applied Design, Skills and Technology

Big Ideas:

Technologies are tools that extend human capabilities.


-mini-projects using household materials

-various science projects / experiments

-Social Studies poster project