English 9

Welcome to English 9, look out this week for the basic of language. We will be bringing it back to square one with our writing only to grow our writing. Be on your guard!

UPDATE April 6th- Hello everyone, just a reminder to check Microsoft Teams for all of your class work this week. This is linked through your Office 365 email and will be best way to communicate, ask questions, and collaborate during this time. Some classes as you may have seen are already up and running, but some have not been fully setup as of yet. As a staff at Burnaby Mountain, all of your classroom teacher will be contacting you BY THE END OF THE WEEK. I hate to use caps for this, but it needs to made clear. As Friday is a holiday, we will also make sure everything is out to you by Thursday. This will be a slow start everyone, so please be patient and know that we are all in this together (yes with the voice of Zac Efron). Look forward to touching base with all of you this week.

UPDATE- Elements of Story Project- Your task is to look into these 5 different elements of story to see why they are essential to a successful story. They are the following:

  1. Plot/Conflict
  2. Character
  3. Setting/Mood
  4. Point of View
  5. Theme/Meaning

You will as your group discuss why your given topic is an essential element of the story. In your presentation you must include the following:

  1. Why your given topic is an essential element of story with reasoning for that (please be detailed).
  2. Give an example of each of the following: A poem, a short story, and a book.
  3. Give reasons to why that example highlights your essential element of story. Please provide specific reasoning for it with proof.

UPDATE- Elie Wiesel citation for essay’s:

Wiesel , Elie. Night . Translated by Marion Wiesel, 2nd ed., Hill and Wang, 2006.

UPDATE- February 8th- Night essays due February 25th and we will have 2 more editing blocks post presenting our Poetry in Voice website. Please make sure that you have your poems memorized for the 19th as well as a draft for your essay for the 12th. (Here is the essay rubric without further ado).

Night Essay Rubric

UPDATE February 3rd – Poetry in Voice presentations will take place on February 19th and 21st and we will get through every single person in those 2 days (no exceptions). Please come to class full prepared at the ring of the bell.


UPDATE- January 29th- Choose a poem from the website below and we will be memorizing the poem for a poetry competition and will be presenting them on the 2nd week of February and will be responsible for creating a full paragraph summary of the poem itself (plot, demonstrate the understanding, and look into why it was written).

It is first come first serve and you MUST complete a CORRECT email in order to get your choice (Proper subject, Poem title & Authour as well as a polite interaction like I am a proper human being). Best of luck. https://www.poetryinvoice.com/poems/senior

UPDATE- December 18th, 2019- Make sure to complete your fully developed thesis statement, 3 topic sentences and 2 to 3 quotations/supporting details for each of the topic sentences. Over the break please work on a draft for your introductory paragraph that we will work on when we come back from break. Please refer to the below rubric for help. Happy writing.

UPDATE- December 8th,2019- Complete the thesis statement and 3 topic sentences for your essay on the book Night. Make sure to bring them in at the start of class on Tuesday.

Here is the Essay layout rubric for you. essay-rubric


Hello English 9,

Here is a copy of the assignment I showed you today. We will go over standards based grading and the rubric in our next class where I will update you all on the use of literary devices in this assignment. Please come with your devices and questions next class. Make sure it is going to be broken down into 3 different logs, journals, parts etc.


UPDATE- November 21st- Students will be tasked with completing the booklet while completing the novel, Night. They will be ready for submission as well as the in class paragraph (reflection on Wiesel’s words) for Thursday November 28th in order to be ready for the term 1 report card. Please come to class prepared to work and with the book in hand. Happy reading!

UPDATE- October 16th- Keep up the great work and dedication and the assignment will be due on Thursday October 24th.

UPDATE- October 9th- We will be completing our Colonizing Outer Space assignment in the lab (216) the next 3 classes. The due date for the assignment will tentatively be Tuesday October 22 at the start of class. We can potentially move the date back to Thursday, but it is all dependent on student productivity. Best of luck!

UPDATE- I have updated the rubric (in 10 minutes or so the new one will post). The requirements for the assignment also include (if it is typed):

Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri fonts (for clarity), size 12, double spaced, and a maximum of 10 pages.

Thanks! – Mr. Murray

Colonizing Outer Space

Quick Rubric _Colonizing Outer Space

Proficiency Scale