Composition 10

Welcome to Composition 10, we will be starting off the course with a discovery of senses. Keep an eye out for a smattering of images that will be on display throughout the week.

UPDATE April 6th- Hello everyone, just a reminder to check Microsoft Teams for all of your class work this week. This is linked through your Office 365 email and will be best way to communicate, ask questions, and collaborate during this time. Some classes as you may have seen are already up and running, but some have not been fully setup as of yet. As a staff at Burnaby Mountain, all of your classroom teacher will be contacting you BY THE END OF THE WEEK. I hate to use caps for this, but it needs to made clear. As Friday is a holiday, we will also make sure everything is out to you by Thursday. This will be a slow start everyone, so please be patient and know that we are all in this together (yes with the voice of Zac Efron). Look forward to touching base with all of you this week.

Monday February 24- Analysis and Summary of the Poetry in Voice Poem, Lit Circle #3, Anna H’s Birthday.

Wednesday February 26th- All 3 Silent Reading Writing Assignments: Cause and Consequence, Chaos and Reliability of Narrator.

Best of luck.

UPDATE February 19th Composition Block 6- Black History Month overview- We will be exploring the influence of figures in Black History on Fiction and stories throughout the world. Here are the 3 aspects for the presentation.

1)Choose a figure in Black History and find out how they influence a piece of fiction (movie, tv, book, graphic novel, comic, etc).

2) Find at least 5 DISTINCT reasons for that influence.

3) If you were to write a piece of fiction about that individual, what aspects would you choose about them? Defend your response.

Presentations will happen on February 26th.

Best of luck and happy learning.

UPDATE February 8th- Make sure that you complete the summary (S), analysis (A), and memorization (M) by the start of class February 18th for Composition block 6. Block 7 you will be handing in your summary and analysis on the 24th due to blocks being taken away for Lit Circle. Be prompt.

UPDATE February 3rd – Poetry in Voice presentations will take place on February 18th and 20th and we will get through every single person in those 2 days (no exceptions). Please come to class full prepared at the ring of the bell.

Here is the rubric for the Quick Rubric _ Poetry analysis PIV Grade 10

UPDATE January 24th- Block 6/7– Choose a poem from the below website. Select 25 Lines or fewer from the drop down menu. This poem you will be memorizing and also creating a thematic and literary summary of the poem itself. It is first come first serve and you MUST complete a CORRECT email in order to get your choice (Proper subject, Poem title & Authour as well as a polite interaction like I am a proper human being). Best of luck.

Poetry in Voice Competition Requirements Grade 10:

Students must Choose a poem under 25 lines to recite during the 2nd week of February.

Students must also complete a basic summary of their understanding of the poem in a formal 6-10 sentence paragraph following proper structure.

Students must finally complete an annotation of their poem looking at the literary devices, use of language, and poetic devices as well (rhyme scheme, stanza structure, etc.).

Below is the scoring rubric that you will be assessed on for your presentation


January 17th- Please check over your responses with the exemplars and rubric on the website (for response B questions please start at page 29th in order to understand what you have done and how it could be improved).

December 19th- Simplified Hero’s Journey here is a copy of the Simplified Hero’s Journey for either Thor or Avengers End Game. Please make sure to hand this in before break with your stories as well (including the signed page first, your summary, storyboard, modern myth remake, and also the self assessment rubric). Title pages will be worked on when we get back from break. Have a great winter break.

November 18th- Make sure that you have handed in your work for both Vladimir Nabokov’s, Thunderstorm, as well as the questions for Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut.

For our myth summaries: They will be due November 20th at the end of class. We will have time in class to finish the summary, but it will be the last class that we will sign off for completion on the assignment.

Here is the rubric: Quick Rubric _)Modern Myth

We will be having a literary devices retest on REVISION Wednesday November 27th that will mirror the literary test previous. Please be ready to complete the test or simply hand it in if you have happy with the previous assessment mark. We will continue to look at myth through a few different films and documentaries next week as well. Here are the slides for the quiz itself. Sign up for flex to get quizzed.

October 4th- Block 6- We will have another 3 working blocks for our secret setting assigned is October 15th and we will be presenting on that day. Please review the rubric to ensure all requirements are completed. Best of luck!

Block 7- We will be finishing up editing on Tuesday October 8th and presenting starting Thursday October 10th (Unless we are complete beforehand). Please review the rubric to ensure all requirements are completed. Best of luck!


September 26th- Here is the silent reading assignment: Discuss the development of the/ a protagonist in your book. Write a 6-10 complex sentences talking about how they have progressed, regressed or stayed static. This will due mid next week.

Next here is the rubric for the assignment on Standards based grading based on the Secret Setting. Make sure to choose a setting that you are familiar with in order to get specific details about setting, objects, and a variety of abstract/concrete forms of description. Utilize all 5 senses (Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste, and Smell). Please let me know if you need any clarification.

Quick Rubric _Secret Setting