Kids’ thoughts on Climate Change

We’ve been spending much of our time on Fridays reading about and discussing jtopics related to Climate change. We’ve looked at waste and recycling. We’ve explored questions we have about all the terms that come up  like fossil fuels and the greenhouse effect. We have found some helpful information, but we also keep coming up with new questions.

It is interesting (asn sometimes confusing) that so many different topics, ideas and opinions come up when we talk about Climate Change. I think it is important, especially given how heated discussions on this topic can become, that we make it a habit to be curious about what others are thinking and feeling. And if I am going to ask students to be curious about others’ thoughts, I think I should begin by showing that I am interested in what students are thinking and feeling.

So, I am asking: what do you think about most when you think about Climate Change; how does it make you feel; what questions do you still have; and what action do you think you should take?

Comments and responses are welcome. 

11 thoughts on “Kids’ thoughts on Climate Change

  1. Every time I think of climate change is the plastic in the ocean, and can we stop it? It makes me so anxious about it, but mostly scared. The questions i have are, Can we stop it. And how do scientists know that there are at least 11 years to live/help? I think I should do to help is to use less waste and eat more veggies for the animals

    • I am curious about the eleven year timeframe you mentioned. Where did you hear this figure? I know of a recent report that described the importance of taking certain kinds of actions in the next ten to twelve years. Headlines for those stories were pretty scary, and that is one reason they grabbed my attention. Let’s find the source of the information you heard, find out just what the warning was, and then maybe we can better decide what we should do.

      Your question about HOW scientists know what they know is an imprtant one. Finding out might help you with your own scientific inquiries.

  2. When I heard about climate change, I felt sad and surprised. I was worried about some animals who live on the icebergs. I felt sad that people throw garbage and food away in the garbage everyday. I felt sad that there are more plastic then fish in the ocean.Some questions I still have about climate change are, did some animals survive in the forest fires? How much plastic are in the ocean? To stop climate change, people should reuse plastic bags. People should start using electric cars, not cars that uses fossil fuels. People should recycle garbage, and use reusable bags for shopping. From now on, I am going to not throw a lot of plastic in the garbage.

  3. Climate change make me feel worried because not everyone recycle plastic.
    Questions I still have about climate change is what we could do to make it better.
    We should recycle more.

  4. The thing i think about the most when i think about CC are animals dying of CC. CC makes me angry. My questions are how can we stop CC? How did CC start?
    I should recycle and reduce.

  5. Climate Change
    Whenever I hear the word Climate Change it makes me think about how much pollution is in the atmosphere and how the ocean is changing. Also how there was no snow in December 2019. It makes me think about the bad choices over the years.

    Climate Change makes me feel endangered and scared because I don’t know what will happen in the future. It makes me sad and angry because we should do something about it now since it’s not really bad yet. But it makes me happy since there’s good changes happening to the world.

    Here are some of the questions I still have about Climate Change. What are the other greenhouse gasses? Why doesn’t everyone help make prevent Climate Change from getting worse? What improvements will we have to make to help the environment.

    These are somethings I’m going to do to help the environment and you should do it too. I’m going to use my three R’s ( reduce, reuse, recycle) and instead of using a car to go to school I try to take something else that produces not a lot of Climate Change.

  6. Question #1: What do you think about the most when you think about climate change. Answer: how will climate change affect our future and how will it end? I also think about air pollution and the greenhouse affect.I also think about how much water melted from the icebergs. Question #2 How does CC make you feel? Answer; the more i think about it the more I’m scared to think about what happens. Question #3: what questions about climate change do you still have? Answer what is climate change affecting the most when did climate change start will we stop climate change when will climate change end. Question #4: what should we do. Answer: Use more electricity then gas and stop using plastic.

  7. For the first question you asked I think about all the animals that die because some animals needs a cooler habitat to survive and all the ice that melts all at once. For the second question it makes me feel unhappy for all the animals that die because of heat and their habitats that has to be cold gets heated up making it so animals that need cooler habitat have no where to go. And for the third question I have still many questions about Climate Change but here is one, How can we stop Climate Change? And here is what i will do about Climate Change I will throw all my stuff in the right place instead of just throwing everything in the nearest garbage like food scraps and and plastic.

  8. What I think about most when it comes to climate change is how the ecosystem works all by itself, and how we are polluting it and destroying it. I also think about what we do to pollute the environment and how the ecosystem reacts to it. For example we throw a lot of garbage into the ocean, and then the marine species would react to it by either getting stuck in them or eating them. There are a lot of thing we do for our own living that contributes to climate change. But there are also natural disasters that occur and effect the climate. Like natural fires that sometimes occur. This makes me feel nervous and frustrated because of all the choices we made that respond to climate change and the same amount of effort we would need to put to fix it. I am nervous also because of what I will do and face in the future. Some questions I still have are How does natural disasters occur and what we can do to help it. To help the environment, you should : walk or bike when you can for transportation, if you must ride a car, carpool, plant a tree, reduce, reuse then recycle and use a reusable grocery bag.

  9. The first thing that comes in my mind when I think about CC is the reason why CC started and they are the increasing level of greenhouse gases.Both natural and human caused sources of green house gases that contribute the climate change . Burning a lot of fossil fuels releases a lot of CO2 which mixes up in the atmosphere .The second reason cutting a lot of trees and 40 percentage of food is wasted in Vancouver a day which causes methane . It makes me sad about the animals dying because of CC . The question I still have is why are humans not stopping to pollute the earth . I think we should stop CC by stop burning fossil fuels , stop cutting trees and by using public transportation.

  10. Everytime i think of climate change i think of plastic in the ocean.And how to stop it, i feel sad and scared i really want to stop it. So i think we should waste less and eat more veggies for the animal’s.

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