Alliteration poems

In class I learned about what an alliteration poem is. We are recently learning about how to write alliteration poem. We are also reading some of Kenn Nesbitt’s poems for examples, and then learning to write an alliteration poem. Alliteration is when you repeat the beginning consonant sounds of words, then if you want to write a poem, you form these words into sentences, then into poem. Here is my alliteration poems:

Goblins and Grinches

Goblins and grinches live in my garage,

They giggle and gleam when the dark night prepares.

They ghostly glare at me if I am asleep,

Then gently glide to my door, and creep up the stairs.


They giggly grab all our food,

They gain our grains and steals our grapes.

They gather up all their goblin friends,

And grinches follow through the gates.


They start to gulp down all the goods,

And guzzle on gallons of ginger ale.

But when the glowing sun gleams above,

I gasp with shock and then grow pale.



The Grand Visit

I gained some gems and gathered some gold,

I got a ticket to a grand zoo in Egypt.

And though I gild in a glinting green plane,

The green plane flew jumping and bouncing.


I saw some galloping gazelles and giraffes,

I gazed at grumpy gorillas and geckos.

I was so glad I got up from dream,

Cause then the pharaohs would be woke by their echos.




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