Oh, the places we'll go!

Ms Lawder's Kindergarten Class

Oh, the places we'll go!

Painted Lady Caterpillars through to Butterflies – Our study of a life cycle!

We all enjoyed our study of the life cycle of the Painted Lady Butterfly.  From their arrival as tiny little Painted Lady Caterpillars through going into J-state and then Chrysalis we were all fascinated.  Of course, the highlight was when our beautiful butterflies emerged and we could set them free!

Watch this with your son or daughter and ask them to tell you about what you are observing!

Spuds in Tubs – Harvest & Potato Party 2018

Monday June 18th was “The Great Potato Harvest  & Party of 2018!”  All the primary students at South Slope gathered outside to harvest our potato crop together!  You may  remember, long, long ago (ha ha!)…. well, before Spring Break we planted our potatoes, since then we have watered, fertilized and EVEN sung to our potatoes as they grew.

The second big highlight of the day was when it was time to enjoy our Potato Sundaes!!   Thank you to Ms Shuster for putting together this great video & to Mrs Fierro for picking up all our Potato Toppings!

Science World Fieldtrip!

We had a fantastic day exploring Science World!  We also had the great opportunity to attend a Workshop called “Radical Ramps.”  We learned about gravity, forces (push and pull), and friction.

Before we caught the bus back to school we explored the cool new playground beside Science World!

We were excited to return to our classroom and find ways to make more Radical Ramps with the materials in our classroom!

Thank you parents and families for supporting us in this exciting opportunity!

Bye, bye Butterflies!

We enjoyed watching our caterpillars as they ate and ate and ATE and got bigger & bigger & BIGGER!! Then they formed chrysalides and emerged as beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies! On Friday, we were very excited to release our butterflies so they could spread their wings and explore our neighbourhood.

Great Potato Harvest & Potato Party!

Our Spuds in Tubs have been growing since March and we were finally were able to harvest them on Friday.  The Primary classes met outside and dug our hands into the soil to harvest our lovely potatoes!  It was amazing to see how big some of the potatoes were this year.   We found lots of bugs too!  Mr Brown’s & Mrs March’s classes counted the potatoes  — we harvested 681 Spuds this year!  Later in the day we cooked them and met as a group to make potato sundaes with butter, sour cream, cheese, salt & pepper.  Yum!! They were delicious!