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Category: PE

PHE 8 June 15-18

Happy Monday Everyone!!

We are in our final week of school, I know we are all looking forward to a restful summer 🙂

Final Assignment:

As a wrap up of the year I would like everyone to complete a final reflection on PHE 8.  Your reflection should be AT LEAST 1 page long (double spaced) and should reflect on how these past few months have gone.  There is no criteria for the reflection, other than I want to get a sense of how you have been doing during this time.  What were some challenges, what were some highlights, most importantly how are you and what are some strategies that you have used to get through this experience.  You can talk about your activity if you want but it is not required.


This reflection will be due on Friday 🙂


It has been a challenging year and I hope each and every one of you have taken time to reflect and make space for all of the emotions that accompany this journey we are going through.  It has been a pleasure being your teacher.

Miss.Sturgeon's Class Blog. Check it weekly!: School's Out For Summer!

PHE 8 June 1-12

The Two week countdown begins!!

Reminders for this week: Fitness Log #4 Due on FRIDAY!!!!

For those of you who have come in to school, it has been GREAT to see you!

If you are at home, keep up the activities and ensure to get some FRESH AIR!!


Happy Monday Everyone

Just 3 weeks left until Summer!

Reminder that in school attendance is “Optional” and no one’s progress will be affected by not attending.  For PHE Classes no equipment may be used either personal or school provided.  We will be enjoying the outdoors taking a walk to Deer Lake or Running a Fitness Circuit outside without equipment.

Letter sent home to families INCLUDES SCHEDULE

  • June-1-2020-Start-Up-Info
    • You will be split up into groups by Last Name.  Each group may attend school (mornings only) 1 day a week.
    • Only attend your class during scheduled time.
    • You may attend as many or as little classes as you would like on your designated day
      • For example, if you need help in Science but not in English, you can just attend for one block.
  • Safety is our main concern
    • Please make sure to wash hands once you have entered the building
    • Bring your own device and writing materials.  You will not be supplied with them
    • Do not attend if you or anyone in your household is ill
    • You will be required to wipe down your space when class is over.
    • No congregating in hallways or commons (or anywhere in the school)
    • Everyone must enter and exit through the schools main entrance.
    • Practice social distancing at all times.
    • Gyms will not be open and no equipment may be used or brought to school.

I hope everyone is keeping up with their Fitness Journals.  #3 is Due TODAY! So please submit by the end of the day.

Our Last and Final fitness log starts today! It will be due June 12.

There will be an alternative assignment for the last week of classes.

I have really enjoyed reading all about the activities that you have all been up to, it is SO important especially now to take some time for yourself to do something that makes you happy and take a break from school work to PLAY!


Monkey Baby | Cute animals, Happy animals, Smiling animals

PHE 8 May 25-29

Happy Monday Everyone!!

Last week of May, heading into our Last couple weeks of school!

As you all have heard, the school will be re-opening on part time basis starting June 1st.  You will soon be given the information on when and how you will be able to access the school.  I want to reassure everyone, that attendance is OPTIONAL.  You will not lose any marks or miss out on any information by remaining online.  All of the notes, assignments and resources will still be posted on my blog and collected through teams.  The “In school” portion will be designed to help those individuals who need additional support with online learning.

The time you will be able to access the school are still being determined and you will find out sometime this week.  I am still happy to do Teams chats with those individuals who need additional support but do not feel comfortable coming into the school.

More Info on School Reopening to come!

Continue to work on your Fitness logs.  Refer to previous posts for activity ideas!

Fitness Log #3 is Due on FRIDAY!

Have a great week!

Check out these funny cat memes to help you through quarantine

PHE 8 May 19-22

Week 6

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!

I hope you all had a well deserved long weekend and had a chance to go out and enjoy the sunshine!

Fitness Log # 3 is coming your way this week and will be collected May 29th.  I want you all to continue getting your weekly activity.

This weeks challenge:  I want you to step out of your comfort zone and do an activity that you have either never tried before or are new to.  For example, if you have been spending your activity time going for walks, maybe try a jog or run.  If you have been doing Yoga, maybe try a fitness circuit.  If you have been practicing a particular sport, take an online dance class.  TRY SOMETHING NEW!

Cutest 80's workout baby ever! | Toddler girl halloween, Baby girl ...

If you feel comfortable post up your new workout on our Teams page!

Below are links to different classes or some activities for you to design your own circuit.  If you need any advice or suggestions don’t hesitate to ask!

Keep it up everyone!!


Week 5!

Happy Monday Everyone

Keep working on your fitness log,  Fitness Log # 2 is due on FRIDAY!

Finding it hard to decide what kind of workout to do?  Please check out the Burnaby Central Home Workout Plan below to mix up your weekly activity.

Also remember there are a lot of free resources and classes online to take!  Have something specific in mind that you cannot find? Message me and we will see how to get you that activity 🙂

Burnaby Central PHE Home Workout Program

  • Remember to choose activities that are safe to complete in the space that you have.
  • Form is more important that “how many” you can do.
  • Be safe and listen to your body!

Week 4!!

New Fitness log has been assigned on Teams.  Keep up your activities!

Activity Challenges coming your way! Be sure to check into teams daily!

Fitness animals are extremely funny and cute - YouTube

Some Fitness Resources

Please post any great resources you are finding online to our Teams group!

PHE 8 April 20-24

Happy Monday!

   You should all be getting close to finishing up your first assignment.  Please hand it in directly on teams.  If it is too large of a file, you can hand it into the “Hand in Folder” on the blog.  

Your second assignment will be your Fitness Log.  This will be an ONGOING assignment and will be collected every two weeks.  You are free to print it off and fill it out or just download a copy and fill it in online.  At the end of two weeks you will submit to our TEAMS.

First Fitness Log Due:  May 1

Please click the following link to download the Physical Activity Log-Online Learning Hem

How to Hand in Assignments

Hello All,

  The instructions for the assignment can be found in our class post on the blog.  Once complete, please submit your assignment through Teams.

You have to add their assignment using “+” button.  You can’t just click “turn in”. Once you click “+” you can create a link or choose the file from your Onedrive. If you miss this step you will get a blank assignment.

If your assignment is too large to upload through teams I have created at dropbox folder that can be found on the top of the blog labelled “Hand in Folder”.  Please click the appropriate class and upload your assignment.  Please try through teams first and only use this folder if your file is too big.

PHE 8 April 14-17

Hello Everyone!

  I hope each and everyone of you were able to find some time to spend some time with friends and family during the Easter Break.  Going forward, every Monday (It is Tuesday today because of the holiday)  I will be posting any updates or assignments to the blog, so please make sure to check it at least 1 time a week.

For this class, it will mainly focus on a “Fitness Log” where you will be documenting your activity type and length over the weeks.  Logs will be collected every 2 weeks on Teams.  I will be posting up the Log later this week, so for now just continue to get some activity through the week.

The minimum requirement amount of physical activity should be equivalent to either 30 mins per day (for 5 days) or 1 hour a day for 3 days.  You are more than welcome and encouraged to do more if you would like.

On the Blog I will be posting different activities and links to workout videos that you can do at home.  These are just suggestions, I would like you to design your own activity schedule based on your own interests and what activities will encourage you to be active.

Our “Team” on Microsoft Office 365 will be there to check in with each other and share our fitness questions. I will be available on Teams to chat between 2:00pm-3:00pm  to chat and answer any questions about material or assignments on Tuesday and Thursdays.  If you are unable to make it during that time but have any questions please send me a message on the Teams page at any time.  Other students may have the same question or may be able to answer it as well.  I want you guys to treat the Team’s page as a place to get together to ask questions and share information.  Remember to be respectful of each other’s ideas.  Before getting started please read the online guidelines below

Digital Responsibility – Students and Parents or Guardians

Before starting a fitness program, you need to have an understanding of the concepts behind one.  So for your first assignment you will be looking into the principles of fitness.  This will help you shape your activities and give you and understanding of how to fill in your fitness log.  I have given you a lot of flexibility with this project where you will choose to show me how you understand these principles.  Below I will post some resources to help get you started, but you should also do some of your own research.

Assignment #1


PE 8 Block 1 Health Unit Feb 3-7


Tuesday- Wednesday

Thursday- Friday

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