Cascade Heights StrongStart

learning in the spirit of wonder and joy

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The Watermelon Seed


Today’s story is “The Watermelon Seed”, written and illustrated by Greg Pizzoli.

Published by Disney-Hyperion Books


Click HERE to view the story with me.



Information Children:
Cathryn McPhee visited our StrongStart centre regularly providing FREE private, parent coaching sessions.  These are still continuing on-line or over the phone.  If you are interested in following up on past conversations or have new questions, she is available to support you.  It is always invaluable getting a “second pair of eyes/ears” on a topic.

Please email me if you would like to set up a meeting time with her:  online or a phone call with Cathryn.

Below is her information if you would like to reach out to her personally.

Remember, “It takes a village to raise a child.”

Cathryn McPhee BScN, MEd
Information Children
SFU, Dis2 #133, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6     
Parenting Help When You Need It                                  

Five Little Monkeys

Dearest StrongStart Families,

It has been almost 2 months of staying home, washing our hands and social distancing.  Thank you for doing all of these important things to keep those we love around us and those that we don’t even know, safe.  These small sacrifices benefits everyone.  For those of you who are Essential workers, “THANK YOU!”  No words can express the amount of gratitude that I feel for the sacrifices you give selflessly and are making it possible for us to continue to be safe, healthy and fed!

With Love,

Ms. Elizabeth


As promised, here is Wednesday Sing-a-long:  Five Little Monkeys!

Click HERE to sing along with me


Before you go, here are some Free on-line programs available to you from our community resources/supports put together by Burnaby Early Childhood Development:

FREE Virtual Programs Spring 2020 Master Burnaby

Planting with Veggie Scraps

Save all those vegetable scraps that would normally go into the compost bin.  This is a science experiment to see what will grow and what will not.  Let’s do this together and keep track of the process.

I have the ends of green onions, part of a potato, carrot tops, seeds from a butternut squash, garlic segments, romain lettuce end cut and a red onion!


I placed them all in their own containers with about a 1/2″ of water.


Change the water every two days and place them by a window where they’ll get some sunlight.  Now all you have to do is sit back and keep an eye on them for any changes.  Other veggies to try are:  the base of a celery stalk, basil, cilantro stem, beet root top, leeks and a pineapple top.  I am sure there are more things to try.  Experiment!


After only 5 days, I have noticed some big and small changes with the veggie scraps.

If you look closely, there are a few buds appearing on the potato.  Nothing is happening with the squash seeds and the red onion roots have gotten longer.  On the right, two new lettuce leaves have started sprouting out of the Romain stalk.  The green onions have started growing with darker green stems shooting out from the middle.  The garlic bulbs were the fastest to grow.  The growth is over 4 inches tall after 5 days.  Remember to change the water regularly!


If you are trying out this or any of the past activities, please take photos and share them with me via email.  I would love to see them!

Have fun and happy planting!



Plant a Kiss

Love Grows…

Love grows,

one by one, two by two, four by four.

Love grows,

round like a circle.

It comes back a knocking at your front door.



This story “Plant a Kiss” is written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, illustrated by Peter Reynolds and published by HarperCollins Publisher.

Click HERE to view the video.





Dearest Mommies,

Being a Mother is one of the most important jobs ever.  I applaud you all.  The title is not large enough for all the roles you fulfil.  You are a protector, nurturer, cooker, teacher, healer, comforter, motivator, multitasker, peacemaker, cheerleader, defender and provider of all things.  You love unconditionally and always put your child first.

It is a hard job.  It’s not always rainbows and butterflies.  You do it selflessly.

You are awesome and I am grateful and honoured to know you.

I wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day!!!


With my Love,

Ms. Elizabeth



The More We Get Together

Today we will be singing with our hands, “The More We Get Together” and the “Hammer” song!

Click HERE to sing a long with me!

Some Activities to try outside as the weather gets warmer and brighter:

On those sunnier days, tape some paper onto a fence/wall, or use the sidewalk and let your child paint.  You can try newspaper, packaging paper or the back of wrapping paper for a larger painting surface.  These were my 2 boys painting outside when they were preschool aged.  It was a great way to get them outside and let make a mess where it was easy to hose down for cleanup!






No paint?  No problem.  Here’s an alternative.  Try painting with water!  All they need is some old paintbrushes and a small container of water.

You can also try making your own brushes to use outside.  Here, I used an old paint stick and chopsticks with some greenery from my garden.  Use either tape or an elastic band to secure them together.  Spray bottles, toothbrush, sponge or even a cloth are other great options.  Try “painting” on different surfaces like the sidewalk, fences, outside walls and doors and tree trunks too.  What happens when it’s hot outside?  Watch the water paintings dry up and disappear!

Get messy or not….remember to have fun!

Not a Stick!

Last week we read the story, “Not a Stick” and sang a song using sticks.  (blog post, “Surprise Storytime!)

Were you able to find some sticks around your neighbourhood or yard?  It has been windy the last few days and I was able to collect quite a few.

Here are a few ideas of what you can do with sticks.

Can you use them to make a home for some animals, bugs or people?

Maybe you can try decorating a stick with paint, crayons or felts!


Add some ribbons and string to make a magic stick for dancing.


What can your stick become?  Place it on a piece of paper and use it to draw a picture using the stick.  My stick became the body of a butterfly!

Look at the sticks that you have collected.  What shape is the stick, is it long, short, bumpy?

What colour is the bark?  What tree did it come from?  Can we build something using the sticks?

I wonder what YOU can create with sticks?

Surprise Storytime!

Join me in reading, “Not a Stick” written by Antoinette Portis, published by HarperCollins Publishers.

Before you and your child start, please bring along two sticks or chopsticks if you have it.

Click HERE for the video.


Reminder:  Please subscribe (found on the top right side of this page if you’re on a computer/ipad) so that I can get a sense of who is visiting the blog. (Subscribing option is not available on a cellphone)

Thank you to those who have subscribed already!  I welcome any feedback, suggestions and your thoughts.  Please comment below ( comments can remain private if you prefer) or email me at:



Family Services of Greater Vancouver


Many of you have met and spoken to Anita Olson at our StrongStart centre.  She visited our centre once a month to answer any questions or curiosities that you may have had regarding your children.  Big or small, these discussions mattered.  Even though we are not meeting at StrongStart, her services are still available to you.  You may want to follow up with past discussions or start new ones.  Anita is there for you and please reach out if needed (reminder, her services are free).


Anita Olson works for Family Services of Greater Vancouver as Burnaby’s Early Childhood Community Consultant (ECCC). She has been working with families and young children for well over a decade and as a parent herself recognizes the challenges, complexity and delight parenting brings. Understanding the foundational importance of infant and early childhood development, Anita shares information, strategies and practical tools with parents as they begin and continue their parental journey.  Focusing on the parent/caregiver and child relationship, Anita’s work with families aims to create and preserve loving connection and curiosity.

If you are looking for parenting support: email your questions or join the daily Resource Newsletter

set up a virtual meeting, phone/text Anita at 604-723-9548


Anita Olson (she/her) ECE, BA, MEd

Early Childhood Community Consultant

T 604 525 9144

M 604 723 9548

3rd Floor – 321 Sixth Street, New Westminster BC V3L 3A7

Make Your Own Puzzles!

This simple activity only requires scissors, pencil, ruler (optional) and empty cereal/food boxes.

First, I cut out only the FRONT side of the box.  Then all you have to decide is how you want to cut out the shapes.  You can keep it simple and just cut it up into squares, like the Cheerios example.  You can cut it in different, odd shapes such as the Cheese Macaroni one.  Cutting it up with curves and waves or straight lines like ribbons are some other options.  It may help to turn it over and draw out the lines/shapes to assist your planning and cutting.


You can keep it simple and cut up the image into squares.

You can make it as easy or challenging you want depending on your child’s age.

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