learning in the spirit of wonder and joy

Category: Wednesday Sing-a-Long (Page 4 of 4)

Eensy Weensy Spider

Hello Dear Families,

I hope this letter finds you well.

As I sit here listening to the rain outside, my thoughts wander to how our lives are now.  The clouds and rain certainly adds to the mood.  It has been a rollercoaster of emotions of late.  As we try to adapt to all of these changes, it has been challenging.  There are times when you may feel trapped, stressed and alone.  Acknowledge it.  Then release it.

Do this with me:  “Take a deep breath in.”   Feel the air fill your lungs.  Pause.  “Take a deep breath out.”

Release what doesn’t serve you.

Then I remind myself to look for the light, the joy, the little celebrations that came so easily before all of this “change”.  It’s there….it can be simply being grateful for the cup of coffee that you are sipping.  For me, it’s my cup of hot tea and the comfort it gives me.  It could be hearing your children laughter in the other room.  Whatever it is, big or small, these little bits of joy are there, let them lift your spirit.  Focus on those moments.  They matter.  You matter.  Be kind to yourself.

Give yourself a pat on the back for the good job that you are doing.

Deep breath in, deep breath out.



Now it’s time for the fun stuff.  Come and be silly with me.  Let’s sing the Eensy Weensy Spider together with your child.

Click HERE for the video.





Bloop Bloop Went the Little Green Frog

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying this sunny weather!

This whole world of a virtual classroom is still new to us all but I do appreciate your patience as I navigate this site to share and connect with you all.  I hope you enjoy this quick video.  Get your singing voices ready and let’s do this together!

Click here to view the video.




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