learning in the spirit of wonder and joy

Category: Activities (Page 3 of 3)

Lids, Lids and More Lids!


Start collecting all those lids!  Instead of throwing them in the recycling  bin, they can be reused for something fun.  Not all learning materials need to be purchased from a store.  Use what you have around your home.  Here, I have added a sieve, chopsticks and a spoon.  Tongs would be a great idea too!



All you need is a bucket, some water and any utensils you may have.  Let your child explore scooping, picking and catching the lids.  “Can you find all the RED lids?  How many lids can you scoop in the sieve?  Why are some lids floating and some sinking?  Allow your child to investigate this open-ended activity.  There are no instructions or rules.  Step back and observe.  How are they are using the utensils, do they have a preference or are they simply enjoying splashing the lids back into the water?

Using lids for Playful Numeracy activities:

Stacking – how high can you stack them?  How many are in each stack?  Can we measure how tall it is using a ruler?

Order/Counting – can you arrange them from small to large and vice versa.  Can you make a pattern?

Sorting – can you sort them by colour, size,  or by the material, metal or plastic?

Make it into a game: have them place the amount of lids needed to correspond with the “Number” sheets.  Make counting fun!  Children are hands-on learners.  Give your child the opportunity to handle the materials/objects.  Step back and observe how they use the materials.  I am sure they will surprise you and will find new and innovative ways to play with LIDS!


I Spy With My Little Eye…

I spy with my little eye is a simple game that you and your child can play on your next walk or even in your home.  This game invites your child to observe the world around them, increase their vocabulary/language skills, taking turns and more.

For example, you can start by saying, “I spy with my little eye, something that is yellow”.  Encourage your child to guess and find the item that you described.  Once they have guessed, invite them to ask you, taking turns going back and forth.

An extension of this game is a Nature hunt.  Using the photos above, how many of these items can you “spy” while on your walk.  Include questions such as, “I wonder what this sign means? or I wonder what these blossoms are called?  Use this opportunity to add descriptive words or actual names to increase your child’s vocabulary.   Have fun!


What a Wonderful World: by Bob Thiele and George Weiss

I see trees of green and red roses too.

I see them bloom, for me and you.

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white.

The bright blessed day, dark sacred night.

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky.

Are also on the faces of people going by.

I see friends shaking hands, saying, “How do you do?”

They’re really saying, “I love you!”

I hear babies cry.  I watch them grow.

They’ll learn so much more, then I’ll ever know.

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

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