Popcorn Kernels can be planted! Use the plain, loose popcorn kernels. These ones pictured are the no name brand from the grocery store. I used a clear container to plant the corn so that you can see the roots growing on the sides. I added a good few inches of soil and sprinkled the corn all over the soil. I planted the kernels quite close together so that it can look like grass as it comes up.

I placed the containter by a sunny window and made sure to water it. I gently placed the container lid on top to create a greenhouse effect, but this is not necessary. After 3-4 days, you can see the corn starting to root.

After a full week, you will see the blades of corn push through the soil.

After two full weeks of growing, I added some animals and bugs to use as a playscape. Add a pair of scissors for your child to practice cutting each stalk. Try pulling an individual stalk out to measure the roots and height of the plant. What will happen if you continue to let it grow?


How tall will it get? Maybe you can have your child draw the different stages of what they are seeing. Just brushing your hands over the growth feels cool too.

I hope you try this out and have fun taking care of your popcorn plant.