We have been using different Math tools in the classroom from manipulatives to ten frames to number lines. Students are encouraged to use the tools they find the most helpful when completing their work.

Manipulatives – Students can use buttons, beans, or small toys to help them count. They can also separate manipulatives into piles to help with addition and subtraction.

Ten Frames – Students can use ten frames to help with concepts in multiples of 10.  For example, Show me 7. Is it easier to count 7 counters one-by-one to 7 or should I fill my whole ten frame with counters then subtract 3?

100s Chart – Students can use a 100s chart to look for patterns to 100. They can use the chart to help with skip counting and other mathematical concepts.

Number Lines – Students can use a ruler or a measuring tape to help with addition or subtraction. They can place their finger on the first number, then count forward or backwards moving their finger as they count.

Dice – Students can play games by rolling dice. You can make one here if you don’t have dice at home. For example: Roll 2 or 3 dice and add them up for addition practice. Roll 3 dice, use 2 of them to form a 2 digit number and subtract the number of the third dice for subtraction practice. Roll 2 dice, multiply the numbers together.


This is a reminder about how to make a tally.