Week of April 28-May 1
TheseĀ are two songs that are paired together: Boom-Dee-Ah-Da & I love the City Life.
I knew “Boom-Dee-Ah-Da” but I learned “I love the City Life” from Mrs. Seminara at Chaffey-Burke Elementary when I was teaching there last year. I took a video recording of her last June and I just got her permission to share her video with you to teach the songs. Here areĀ the instructions:
  1. Click https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/828daf4d-c3a5-4eba-aa31-0bcba195000d
    2. Under “Details,” click “See more” to view the lyrics.
    3. Play the video and learn to sing the two songs.
    4. Once you are able to sing the songs by memory, watch Mrs. Seminara’s action and learn it.