Library Books

Today we had our last library book exchange.  Mrs. Levington has requested that all library books be returned by next Thursday – June 6th.  She will be doing a full inventory of our library books over the next few weeks.  Any books lost or not returned after next week will be invoiced and these will then be sent home for payment.

Thanks for ensuring that your child’s books are back at class by next Thursday.

Earthquake Drill

As you know, we had a full-on Earthquake Drill including an early dismissal yesterday.  I just wanted to say that, despite the horrible weather, the students all took this drill very seriously and were very well-behaved.

Congratulations to the whole class!

Caterpillar Larvae Arrive


Our caterpillar larvae arrived on Wednesday, May 22nd.  The students have been avidly watching their growth this past week.  We have noticed a rapid change in their size.  The caterpillars should soon attach themselves to their cup lids and form their chrysalises.  When they have done this we will remove the lids and attach these lids into our butterfly container.

I will keep you updated on their progress.

McGill Library Reading Buddies

McGill Library is offering a programme this summer for students going into grades 2, 3, and 4.  Here is the information from Kathryn Lee, McGill Librarian:

Your child will be paired up for one-on-one reading with an enthusiastic Burnaby teen!  All teens have been screened, interviewed, and have passed an RCMP check.

The programme runs: Thursdays, July 11 to August 15 from 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm at the Burnaby Public Library – McGill Branch, 4595 Albert Street

If you are interested please pick up an application at any BPL branch, or print it out at:

Drop off applications by Friday, June 21

Names will be drawn by lottery if necessary

This program is open to children who live in Burnaby or attend a Burnaby school

For more information, call 604.299.8955



Sports Day Fun!

Sports Day 2013

We were very fortunate to have our Sports Day festivities completed before the onslaught of the torrential downpour of rain!!  Students seem to have a really good day.  The Grade 7’s planned a nice selection of fun activities for the classes.  It was great to see so many parents out to enjoy the day with their children.

Fine Arts Night


In a continuation of our study of the Impressionist Masters, we looked at several “still life” paintings by Paul Cezanne.   Students then chose one of them to emulate in their own masterpieces.

We have these mounted on the back right-hand side wall of the gym.  Hopefully when you were at the Fine Arts afternoon or evening performances you had a chance to see them.  The students created the basis with oil pastels and then used paint to fill in the rest of the backgrounds.


I think they look lovely.  I hope you agree.

Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers”


Division 5 has been learning about Vincent Van Gogh.  Earlier the students re-created art pieces inspired by Van Gogh’s “A Starry Night” which are on display outside of the classroom.  We next made our versions of Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers”.

These art pieces (Sunflowers) were created using the same technique as “A Starry Night”.  After a directed drawing lesson, students used oil pastels to make the table top, vase, and sunflowers.  They then used tempera paint discs – in the complementary colours of blue (turquoise) and orange – to complete the background.

These lovely Sunflowers will be put on display at McGill Library for the month of May!!

Division 6 (Kindergarten) will also have some of their art on display at the library.  They have created Rainbow Fish – inspired by Marcus Pfister’s storybook – using CD’s and other art materials.

I hope you get a chance to get by McGill Library during May to see the students wonderful works of art!!

Clay Fun with Division 1


On Wednesday, April 24th Divisions 1 and 5 got together to spend a fun afternoon making clay ‘pinch pots’.  Students took their slab of clay and formed it into a ball about the size of a baseball.  They then pushed one thumb down into the middle of the ball.  Using their thumb and fore-fingers they pinched around in a circle to create a well in the middle.  Students were instructed to ensure an even thickness on the sides of the pots and that there were no cracks in the clay.  They learned that a little water goes a long way with clay – too much will end up with a dissolved ‘cookie’.

Once students had created their ‘pots’ they used the ‘scratch and attach’ technique to change their pots into the animal of their choice.  These are currently drying and will be fired in the school kiln later this week.  Once the clay has had its first firing students will use tempera disc paints to add colour.  These will then be coated with acrylic medium to seal them and make them shine.

Students had a lot of fun working with the Grade 6’s and 7’s!

Arts Alive Opening Night

I was very impressed when I went to the Opening Night earlier this evening.  All of the chosen art pieces – from the various participating schools – were wonderful!  The Burnaby Art Gallery, as usual, has done a great job of displaying the artwork.

I met up with Colton, Mykaela, and their mom who were also enjoying the displays.  As part of the formal speeches for the ‘opening’ all of the children who had artwork in the display were invited to the front to receive a warm round of applause – and to get their photos taken.

I was happy to see (and hear) so many people making nice comments about all the Rosser art pieces.  I met up with some teacher-friends of mine and they were very complimentary towards our students’ work.

Everyone who created art for this exhibition should be very proud of themselves.