Student Led Conferences

This Wednesday we will be hosting our annual Student Led Conferences.  Students will be dismissed at 1:45 to allow for these.  The conferences will run from 2:00 – 4:30 and then from 5:00 – 6:20 p.m.  Most of you have indicated the time slot which works best for you.  Confirmations will be going home tomorrow.  If you have not yet returned your form, please do so tomorrow.

Typically the conference takes about 20 – 30 minutes to complete.  Once you are done you are encouraged to go and check out the Scholastic Book Fair that Mrs. Anstee has arranged for us.

Goodbye, Ms. Sue


Last Friday we had to say good-bye to Ms. Sue.  Earlier in the week I had read the book “The Important Book”, by Margaret Wise Brown, to the class.  Students then each made a page for our class book which was titled “The Important Things About Ms. Sue”.  Each student used their own unique experience with Ms. Sue to write and draw about what they felt was something that was important about her.  This was put together (with photographs of events from her time with us) into a book that I am sure she will treasure forever!

We then presented her with a ‘suitcase’ full of books and other items to start her on her ‘teaching journey’.


Of course, we also had to eat cake!!


Spring Break / Ms. Sue

Tomorrow is our last day of school before our two week Spring Break.  I hope you all enjoy a lovely break!

Ms. Sue will be with our class for the first week back after the holidays.  This is her ‘phase-out’ week as the wrap up to her practicum experience with us at Rosser.  Her last day with us will be Friday, April 4th.  The students and I have all really enjoyed our time with her.  She will be missed.

Be safe over the holiday and we will see you on Monday, March 31st.

Marshmallow Structures


As a follow up to our Math unit on 2-D and 3-D geometry the students put their knowledge of edges, vertices, and faces together to create these lovely 3-D framed shapes.

It was a lot of fun for the students and it really reinforced their learning of this unit.

A huge thank you goes out to Ms. Sue for planning and getting this together for the children.


Vancouver Symphony Orchestra

This Friday – February 28th – we will be going by school bus to the VSO.  This is always a great field trip and a lovely experience for the students.

As we are going to a ‘fancy’ place (the Orpheum Theatre) we do allow – and encourage – students to ‘dress up’ for the occasion.  While this is not mandatory, if you like your child can wear ‘party clothes’ for this special event.

Acts of Kindness

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Students have been working on being ‘kinder’ to each other.  Under Ms. Sue’s direction they have been doing ‘acts’ of kindness.  They are working on reaching 100 acts.  These are displayed on individual small hearts made into groups of 10 onto larger hearts on our bulletin board in the hallway.

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They also planned and videotaped a mini-movie showing many of these acts.  Students really enjoyed the process of deciding on scenes and then recording each other.  This video was introduced by students and shown to the whole school this afternoon during our Celebration of Learning Assembly.  When the movie was over all students in the class took small hearts (that they had made with nice sayings on them) and gave them to different students and staff members in the assembly.

I think it was a great process of learning and it was enjoyable to see their pride in a job well done!