Gingerbread Houses

On Friday I sent home a notice about this activity.  The children really enjoy making these candied houses!  Please send in the items on the notice by Friday, Dec. 14th so that I can get things all ready in time.

In addition to the items on the list, if any of you has any empty small sized milk cartons (creamo or whipping cream, as well) could you please rinse them out and send them in with your child?  We used to have a surplus of these but now that we don’t have the milk programme anymore we don’t have as many.

Thanks for your help with this project!

Burnaby Heritage Village Field Trip

On Friday I sent home a notice about this planned trip with Division 6.  It is a great place to visit – especially just before the holidays with all of its decorations.  I am hoping that we have enough drivers for this trip.  Last year we had to cancel our class (this year’s grade 2’s) from the trip due to lack of drivers.  Please fill in the form and return it as soon as you can – but definitely before the due date (Thursday, December 13th).  Thanks!

Request for Items

Hello all,

We are getting low on our supply of plastic grocery bags.  These are used for students (weekly) to take home oversized library books that don’t fit into backpacks – especially on rainy days.  We will be needing some for next week when I send home their Term One work.  If you have any extras that you could donate to the class, please send them in with your child.


Christmas Raffle Baskets

Thank you for the great collection of donations that you sent in for our ‘baking’ basket!  Mrs. Alves picked up our box today and was very impressed with the amount of items in it.  She, and her helpers, will be putting the baskets together shortly and then tickets will be going on sale from the office.  There will be a notice sent home with more details shortly.

Term One Student Work

As we are wrapping up our first term of the school year I have been busy writing the students’ report cards.  These will be sent home on Monday, December 10th.  I will also be sending home a large portion of the students’ work from this term.  Art pieces, Journals, writing books, and other ‘year-long’ items will be kept until June.  You will be receiving this term’s: math booklets; DOL (daily oral language) sheets; spelling units; reading response papers; Science (bats) items; Social Studies (All About Me); along with any other term specific work.  Please refer to these items when reading your child’s report card and the enclosed Term Overview of things that we have done this past term.

Recipe Book

I have just added one of my favourite recipes to the website where Rosser recipes are being collected for our community cookbook project.  It was a really easy process.  Here is the link:

Username: rosserelementary     Password: rosser8801

Please take some time to go to this website and add your child’s favourite recipe.  It would be great if all of the students could have an entry in the finished book.  I am looking forward to seeing the completed cookbook.

Colour Theory with Paint

 As a follow up to our experimentation with wax crayons in primary colours (red, blue, and yellow), where we made the intermediate colours (orange, purple, and green), we had fun last Friday working with Solucryl acrylic paint and water.

We began by working on regular bond paper to get used to using this media.  Most of the students had previous experience with tempera paint but this paint has a different texture and maneuverability than regular paints.

I then gave them each a sheet of 140 lb. water colour paper to work with.  Their instructions were that they needed to: 1) only use the three primary colours given to them  2) create an abstract (not realistic) picture  3) cover the entire paper (no white showing) and  4) have all six colours represented in their finished work.

Most students managed to complete their artwork with all four criteria covered.  Come and check out the bulletin boards outside of our classroom.  I think they look great!

Our Bat Cave

As part of our exploration of bats, today we did a survey of how we feel about these interesting – and sometimes scary looking – animals.  Students decorated their own bat (with whatever colours they wanted) and then we placed these in one of three columns in our bulletin board bat cave.  Students had the choice of “I like bats . . .”, “I don’t like bats . . . “, and “I am not sure how I feel (about bats) . . .”

I have been encouraging students to make up their own minds and not to choose the option that their friends – or the majority of the class – chooses.  This has been a bit of an issue with our morning sign-in graph as many students just put their ‘doodle bug’ name where they see everyone else answering – oftentimes without even reading the question.  We will continue to work on this.

Making Intermediate Colours

We have been learning about one of the elements of art – colour theory.  Students were directed to use only the three primary colours – red, yellow, and blue – to create the three intermediate colours – orange, purple, and green.  Students began by creating a design of a variety of shapes with a felt marker.  They then filled these shapes in by blending the primary colour wax crayons to create the intermediate colours.  They experimented with differing degrees of pressure (for darker and lighter hues) and different amounts of each primary to create a variety of shades and tints.