A Few Year-End Reminders

It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of another school year!!


1) All library books are now due back to school.  Mrs. Levington will be printing off bills for lost/missing books shortly.

2) New Brighton Field trip:  We do have drivers for about half of the class at this point.  If you are able to help out with this, and have not already let me know, please consider this trip.

3) Report cards will be issued (as per District policy) on the last day that students attend which is Thursday, June 27th (from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.) this year.  If you will not be at school on that day please email me so that I can arrange for our secretary, Mrs. Ameixa, to mail it to your home.

4) We will be going on a few walking field trips (noted on the calendar on the front of the Rosser website) – to the Safeway and the Fire Hall.  The dates on the original monthly calendar were incorrect but have now been changed.  If you are able to join us for these two trips let me know.

5) In order to accommodate the extra time needed to be made-up to allow for our two week Spring Break next year, beginning in September our school hours will be 8:50 a.m. (start) and dismissal will be at 3:03 p.m.  Please adjust your mental clocks to have students at school for the 8:50 a.m. first bell.

As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask me when you drop off/pick up your child – or email me.

C.A.R.E. Kit Lessons

On Monday, we will begin our C.A.R.E. Kit lessons.  Grade 2 parents will remember this programme from last year.  The purpose of this programme is to teach the students how to keep themselves safe in situations that could lead to them being abused – whether it be emotionally, physically, and/or sexually.  Students learn the appropriate (scientific) terminology of body parts and how to assertively defend and protect themselves.

After each lesson an information card comes home to parents to share what we have discussed that day.  These cards are intended to open the conversation between child and parent(s).

If you have any questions, or wish to look at the kit, please feel free to come by the class and discuss this with me.

Library Books

Today we had our last library book exchange.  Mrs. Levington has requested that all library books be returned by next Thursday – June 6th.  She will be doing a full inventory of our library books over the next few weeks.  Any books lost or not returned after next week will be invoiced and these will then be sent home for payment.

Thanks for ensuring that your child’s books are back at class by next Thursday.

McGill Library Reading Buddies

McGill Library is offering a programme this summer for students going into grades 2, 3, and 4.  Here is the information from Kathryn Lee, McGill Librarian:

Your child will be paired up for one-on-one reading with an enthusiastic Burnaby teen!  All teens have been screened, interviewed, and have passed an RCMP check.

The programme runs: Thursdays, July 11 to August 15 from 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm at the Burnaby Public Library – McGill Branch, 4595 Albert Street

If you are interested please pick up an application at any BPL branch, or print it out at:  www.bpl.bc.ca/kids/kids-events-and-programs/reading-buddies

Drop off applications by Friday, June 21

Names will be drawn by lottery if necessary

This program is open to children who live in Burnaby or attend a Burnaby school

For more information, call 604.299.8955



Arts Alive Grand Opening Tomorrow

Please read the following information which was forwarded to me from the Burnaby Art Gallery about the Grand Opening of the art display tomorrow evening.  I hope you all have a chance to get by to check out the display.


Well the exhibits are up and looking fabulous!

A reminder the opening reception is Thursday April 18, 5-7pm at the Burnaby Art Gallery. All are welcome!

You can see the virtual exhibit on our website: http://www.burnaby.ca/Things-To-Do/Arts-and-Heritage/Burnaby-Art-Gallery/Exhibitions/Arts-Alive-and-Focus-on-the-Collection–Wood-Engraving.html

Click each school name to see a slide show of the work created by kids at that school.

Or flip through all of the work directly from our flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24559982@N05/collections/72157633042135547/



Student Led Conferences

It was so nice to see all the parents in the class sharing in their children’s learning tonight!!  I always really enjoy sitting back and watching the family interactions.  I was very impressed with how well the children were able to lead their families through the process of sharing their ‘menu of events’.

Thank you to all parents for making these Student-Led conferences such a great learning experience for the children.


Welcome back!

I hope you all had a great Spring Break!!  From the stories I have heard from the children it sounds like everyone enjoyed the time off.  As of last night, the Burnaby School Board has approved a 2 week Spring Break for our District for next year!!  We will now have the time that most of the other districts around the province have been enjoying these past few years.

Beginning next week there will be a few changes in our classroom.  We will be having a new student arrive – probably on Tuesday.  The students are all very excited about this new addition to our class.

We will also be having a slight change in our daily schedule.  Mrs. Cobo will still be teaching in our room on Tuesdays between Recess and Lunchtime.  On the other days in the week, Mrs. Gojevic will be teaching in the class at this same time.  This will allow Mrs. Cobo to have more of her Resource time available for our (several) new Level 1 ESL students who have arrived in the last month.  Mrs. Gojevic will be doing Calendar and teaching Math with the class.  As you all know, this time block is when I am out of the room teaching the Reading Recovery programme to individual students.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

The students experimented with oil pastels and created these lovely 3 layered shamrocks out of green construction paper.  They were only permitted to use the different hues of green and blue oil pastels.

They make a lovely display on our hallway bulletin board!  Enjoy the Spring Break week off.  As I am writing this it is sunny and I am about to take Nikita out for her afternoon walk.  See you all in a week.

Primary Days of Music

Today we walked to Gilmore Community School to take part in the annual Primary Days of Music festival.  We joined our hosts, Gilmore, and four other elementary schools – Buckingham, Lyndhurst, Parkcrest, and Capitol Hill – in singing many songs ‘en masse’.  Each school also sang two songs on their own.

Our group behaved (fairly) well.  I thought their two songs were quite lovely and they seemed to enjoy singing with so many other children all at once.  All in all, it was a great experience for all – especially the grade ones who are not included in this festival in most schools.  This is traditionally a festival for only grade two and three students.  Being a small school does have its benefits.