The Elements of Art

On Wednesday we had a lesson, and discussion, on what are the ‘elements’ (foundational parts) of art. These are noted above.  Most are fairly obvious such as: colour (those found in the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet 🌈); line (curved, straight, or angular); shape; and form (3-D objects).

Texture is the way something feels, or the way it looks like it feels. Value is the lightness or darkness of a colour by either adding white (to make a tint) or black (to make a shade). A value is also black and white and all the gradients in between. Students learned that black, white, grey, and brown are not true colours.

We used a variety of  ‘shading’ waxed crayons, and rubbing tiles or templates, to create these lovely pictures.  You should be able to see all the elements of Art, in each picture, with the exception of ‘form’.