Exploring Plants

We have begun our exploration of all things plants. Students planted seeds into little pots – they had a choice of four different seed types: Cosmos, Forget-Me-Knots, Zinnias, and Asters.

We put soaked overnight Lima beans into Ziplock bags with paper towels and taped them to our classroom windows.  We hope to see growth soon.  A few are looking promising, as of this afternoon.

We did an experiment with white flowers and celery placed into jars of water. One was the ‘control’ – meaning that it was just in clear water. Two other jars had food colouring (one blue and one red) with celery and white flowers in them.  Another set had one large bunch of flowers with one stalk that was divided into two jars, one with red and one with blue food colouring.

Students noticed that the food colouring had moved up the stems into the leaves and the flowers.

We also planted peas into a large pot.  Most were planted on the right-hand side of the pot straight out of the package.  On the left we soaked the peas overnight.  Our objective is to see which side grows first / fastest.

We will be continuing with our explorations tomorrow … stay tuned …