
Students had their first experience with their personal ePortfolio sites.  Their initial posts were very simple in appearance but were, in actuality, a real learning experience for them.

We had explored the ePortfolio site on Wednesday afternoon during our Computer Lab time but we ran out of time before we could publish the first post.

As the grade two students were more experienced on the computers (from our lessons last year), on Thursday morning they became ‘experts’ on the logging in process for the ePortfolio sites.  Then, throughout the day on our two class computers, they took turns teaching the grade ones how to log in (both onto the class blog and then onto their own site) and how to create a simple post using a header (Hello!) and adding in a simple sentence in the text box (My name is ____.).

This simple post gave students an opportunity to learn to use some of the keyboard functions such as: shift (for the capital letters and the exclamation point), space bar (between the words), the period, and the letters for the words.  These are their first steps in becoming more comfortable with, and more capable of using, the computer as a tool to share their learning experiences.

I hope that the MailPoet app worked and that you got notification of their post.   When you log in to see your child’s post please remember to change the generic password to your own personal one.

Thank you for your continuing support of your child’s learning.


Apples Galore …

Thank you to all parents who sent in an apple for our apple explorations.  Students noticed that apples came in all sorts of varieties, colours, sizes, and shapes.

Students spent some time observing their apple and then making a pictorial presentation by colouring a paper apple in as close a copy of their apple as possible.

We have looked at how the apple life cycle works:

We will continue our explorations this week with the apple life cycle and how it correlates to the seasons of the year.


Celebrating Terry Fox …

This is an article from the newspaper on the occasion of the 25th anniversary run – 12 years ago.  Below is a photo of a map of Canada with the route that Terry ran highlighted in Sharpie marker.

As a class we discussed who Terry was, what happened in his life, and what he did to seal his place in our hearts forever.  We used these books as a starting off place.

We were fortunate to have Kirsten Fox (Terry’s niece via his older brother, Fred) come to our school the previous week to discuss Terry, how the family remembers him, and how he affected their lives.  In class we talked about the people in our school and families that we know who have dealt with, or are still dealing with, cancer.  Students each decorated a paper shoe which stated who they were running for; these are on the wall in the gym.

Students also decorated a paper t-shirt and wrote about Terry.  These two papers were attached, back to back, onto a green construction paper.  These are hanging in our classroom.

As a school we were very pleased to raise a good amount of money.  I don’t know the exact total but I believe that it is more than $700!!  That is amazing for our small school!  Thank you to all who contributed to this fund.