Barnet Marine Park – Div 3 Class Blog

Barnet Marine Park

| Posted in Science

The students had a fantastic day today exploring the intertidal zone at Barnet Marine Park. They were able to discover a wide variety of fascinating species and learn about their unique adaptations. From the scuttling crabs to the slithering eels, the students were in awe of the diverse marine life they encountered. They marveled at the resilience of the sea stars, the tenacity of the barnacles, and the clever camouflage of the periwinkles. They were also intrigued by the mysterious sea cucumber, the tasty mussels and clams, and the colorful seaweed. They even spotted a few delicate jellyfish washed ashore and seagulls breaking open clams. Overall, it was a fun and educational day filled with exciting discoveries and valuable lessons about the incredible creatures that call the intertidal zone home.

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