April 2022 – Div 3 Class Blog

Month: April 2022

“A medicine wheel is a foundation of teaching and learning that shows how different parts of life are connected and balanced. The symbol of four colours in a circle represents the interconnectivity of all aspects of a person’s relationship with themselves, others, and the natural and spiritual world”

Words by Joyce Perrault from “All Creation Represented: A Child’s Guide to the Medicine Wheels”

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Burnaby School District is excited to offer outstanding summer programs.

Elementary Registration opens at 10am on Tuesday, April 12th (button will not be visible until 10am)

The online registration system is super easy. You will be required to have your child’s Personal Education Number (PEN) and birthdate. PEN numbers are located on their report card.

Please note popular summer programs like coding and robotics fill up fast.

Click here to see the brochure

Please keep checking the Burnaby School District website for more information regarding course options. https://burnabyschools.ca/summersession/

How do you make slime with glue, water and Borax? Slime is made after a chemical reaction occurs between two main ingredients; polyvinyl alcohol and borate ion. Glue contains polyvinyl acetates (PVAC) molecules. These are long polymers that are like long strands of spaghetti tangled together on your plate. The Borax (borate ions)hook these together so they don’t flow so well and begin to act more like a solid and their viscosity increases.

During the slime lab students learned that increasing the amount of water in their slime mixture helped it flow better, while increasing the amount of Borax made the slime firmer.

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