Chemistry Demonstrations

Sara / Carson- corn starch and water 
Leo – Bath bomb in water
Arvin / Raika – Milk, food colouring, dish soap
Joonhugh – borax, glue, food colour, corn starch
Amanda – vinegar, salt and rusty pennies
TJ – hot and cold water and food colour
Martin – Pepper, water, dishsoap and toothpick
Siena – Egg shells and vinegar
Ryan S. – Vinegar, baking soda and corn kernels
Nick / Vinh – Propane, dish soap
Ginny – dish soap, cooking, water (density)
Leon / Ryan X – Hydrogen peroxide, potassium iodide, dish soap, food colouring
Sebastian / Lucas – Menthos, various sodas
Luca / Jeter – Vinegar, baking soda (plastic bag)
Grace – Hand sanitizer


ePortfolio post

Science: Chemistry Demonstration

In Science, we have been learning about… (list some topics)

My partner and I did a demonstration. We… (tell what you did: procedure). When we… (tell what happened: observations). This happened because… (explain why).

This chemistry unit has helped me to understand…
I learned that….