TTOC Notes

Hello TTOC:

Thank you for coming in.

Main Idea – I work at Capitol Hill on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s providing PE instruction for various classes. Each teacher has NIS time while I have the class in the gym.

Key – Make sure you get a key from the office. Your key will get you into the gym and the equipment room. Lock the equipment room and the gym anytime you leave.

Bathrooms – There are student washrooms nearby but the gym is in a somewhat isolated location. Younger students should go in pairs and only if absolutely necessary.

Equipment Room – The equipment room is generally well-stocked and neat. Help us keep it that way. Do not allow students into the equipment room unless directly supervised.

Safety – Please review safety guidelines before activities… watch where you are going; keep your body and equipment under control at all times.

First Aid – In the equipment room there is a small Ziploc sandwich bag (first aid kit) hanging on the wall.  It contains a few band-aids, some gloves and other materials for very minor injuries. There is also a more substantial first aid kit.

Emergency Phone – There is a phone and a school directory in the equipment room. Call the office if any problem.

The Classes – The students I see are generally very well-behaved and pretty excited to come for PE. A few come with an EA that provides ongoing support. There are a few students, particularly in the younger grades, that need ongoing support with attentiveness and self-control.

Pick-up/Drop-off – Please see the schedule for special pick up and drop off instructions. You are not expected to take attendance.

Activities – You can visit my blog at Select  “Capitol Hill PE.” You will find a list of activities that I have used. You may use your own activities if suitable. The classes are short. I usually start with a warm-up activity followed by some skill practice with or without equipment. I usually finish up with a game for the older students and some free time for younger students with equipment chosen from options I provide. Some choices can be discussed/negotiated with students.