Social Studies


CCTV in Schools

Population Growth – 8 Billion

China’s One Child Policy
China’s one child policy (

Afghanistan – 2021
Introduction to Afghanistan – Geography – by Student – Video
Poverty in Afghanistan – CBC – October 2021 – Video
Afghanistan Crisis Explained – Behind the News – Video
Taliban Takeover Explained – Article – CBC

Race Relations in Canada
Study of Racism in Canada
Kids and Race
Jagmeet Singh
Kids Speak Their Mind on Race CNN
White Privilege CBC Kids News

Turtle Egg Poaching
Cracking down on poaching with 3D-printed fake turtle eggs PBS (1)
Legal poaching of sea turtle eggs helps improve species survival
Poacher arrested for stealing 299 sea turtle eggs – FOX
Stealing Turtle Eggs – The Thievery Continues – National Geographic (2)
Taking on Turtle Egg Poaching With Fake Eggs– GBS

Solving Mysteries With Archaeologists
To Be An Archaeologist
Lost City of Pompeii
Pompeii Animation

Social Studies – Ancient Civilizations
Ancient Civilizations for Kids
Mr. Donn Ancient History

Social Studies for Kids
Academic Kids

What is a Civilization

Civilization Song
Ancient Sumerian Civilizations

Social Studies – Children’s Rights
United Nations Children’s Cyber Schoolbus:

The 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child:

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

International Labour Organization (UN affiliated IPEC):

Time Magazine:

Scholastic News Zone:


Keypals Club International

Social Studies – Current Events
Scholastic News
DOGO News 
Time for Kids
BBC for Kids
Science News

Social Studies – Early Man
Mr. Donn – Early Humans (website)
KidsPast – Early Humans (website)
Early man in the stone age – Social Sciences (Youtube Video 3:16)
The New History of Humanity Part 1 – “Kill it, cook it, eat it”(Youtube Video 17:02)
Watch Know Learn – Early Man (videos)

Social Studies – Evolution and Creationism
What is Evolution?
Evolution Explained Scientifically
Evolution explained + history of life on Earth
Creationism debate on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360”

Social Studies – Global Issues
Listverse – List of ssues affecting children
Global Issues
Free the Children
The Homeless
War Child
Food Empowerment Project
Because I am a Girl
Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International

Social Studies – Residential Schools
Canadian Residential School Propaganda Video 1955 _ Video
Indian Residential Schools – Residential School Song- Video
Losing Feathers- Video
Indian Residential Schools Student Documentary – Video
Daniel N. Paul – We were Not the Savages – Website
Anglican Journal – My little residential school suitcase – Website
Residential Schools – Get Familiar – Video
CBC News – Website
CTV – 300 Deaths Linked to Indian Residential Schools – Website
United Church of Canada – Apology – Website
Government of Canada – Apology – Website
Clip 1 Healing the Hurt and Shame Of Native Residential Schools – Video
Government of Canada – Video
UBC -Residential Schools – Website
CBC News – Residential School Survivor
Residential School: Canada’s Shame