Halloween reminders

cher parents,

Halloween is days away and we are excited to celebrate with the students!  We will celebrate the day with:

  • Jack-O-Lantern display – Families will be encouraged to bring in their carved pumpkins to the gym at 8:30am on Thursday.  We will put an electric candle in each and have them on display for our assembly.  After which, they will be judged for most creative, funniest/scariest, and most detailed for a prize.
  • Costume Parade  The parade will start promptly at 9am and will tour the school , ending in the gym for an assembly. At the assembly, there will be recognition of Jack-O-Lanterns, Halloween safety, and finish off with Monster Mash song led by leadership students.  

Students are welcome to come to school in costumes but must be school appropriate (no masks, ensure it doesn’t limit mobility, respectful of all cultures etc)

We prefer no goody bags; the teachers have little “treat”bags for each child and we will celebrate with a Halloween themed centers in the afternoon. In the days following Halloween, we kindly suggest one Halloween candy per day in their lunch kits

We have planned a movie for the afternoon of Nov 1st with the other K classes.

We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Halloween!

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