Volunteers for the Pumpkin Patch

Bonjour Parents,

Thank you so much to all who volunteered to come on our 1st field trip to the Pumpkin Patch!

We can accommodate 4 parent volunteers on the bus and their admission has been factored into the cost of the trip.  The four parents that have been randomly selected are:

  • Elisa
  • Georgie
  • Kaleah
  • Eva

If you were not selected, you are still welcome to join us at the Patch! You will need to drive and meet us there and pay your own admission.

Here is a list of other parents who have volunteered and perhaps you can arrange a carpool:

  • Carina
  • Mythica
  • Alicia
  • Ryan
  • Ivan

A handout will be going home tomorrow with more information about the Field Trip! Please let us know if you have any questions 🙂

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