March Events

What’s coming up in March!

Literacy Week from March 9-13. More info coming on school website

Important Dates:

  • Hot lunch on Wednesdays
  • March 11 – EARLY DISMISSAL for OPEN HOUSE – 1:50 dismissal
  • March 12 – Report Cards go home
  • March 16-27 – Spring Break – SCHOOL CLOSED

Theme: Family and friendships;

Literacy: Students will learn letters T and U before spring break. V will be on March 30th Don’t forget to send in an object for the week.

Math: Size and shape and numeracy continued

Science: Signs of seasons

Laundry Helper: Mme. Marando

See the source image

Bonne Fete: Kaleah March 28


Image result for Star Clip Art
Upcoming Star students: Carina, Ryan and Ella


Upcoming School Closures, Holidays and Pro-D:

  • Gymnastics
  • Poultry Barn visit April 2nd
  • April 10 and 13 – Good Friday and Easter Monday
  • April 16th – Mme. Jenny returns to begin her teaching practicum until June! Mme. Giugliani and myself will be present for all instruction.
  • April 27- Pro-D
  • April 29th – Bees presentation
  • May 27th – Welcome to K; early dismissal 12pm


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