Litterless Lunches at Brantford

Cher parents,

You should have received a newsletter or email from the school that discusses the NEW litterless lunch program, a leadership initiative from the Gr.7s. Here is some info:

The ultimate goal is for all snack wrappers & other recyclable materials (ie. coffee cups etc.) to go home to get recycled by families as opposed to being thrown out in school garbage cans. The school community will also be invited to be a part of this by familiarizing them with Return-It depots & London Drugs locations who will take all those soft plastics, wrappers, chip bags, etc.
Here are some FAQs answered by the Gr. 7 teacher.
1) Can we put bones into the food bin? Yes! Bones of all kinds, skin, fat, paper plates…all of that can go in. Hot lunch containers can also go in school compost.
2) Why do we have to take these items home to recycle (ie. soft plastics, yogurt, wrappers)? Why can’t the school recycle these for us?
Recycling companies will only pick up residential recycling, they will not pick up institutional amounts. Most families go to Return-It depots for cans or London Drugs for shopping anyways so bringing along a bag to recycle shouldn’t be too difficult.
The Gr.7 students will be working with the Ks to help them learn about ways to reduce waste. We appreciate your anticipated cooperation.
Mme. Marando and Mme. Giugliani

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