A few reminders and FAQs


Students have requested to take their Chantons home over the holidays. Please feel free to practice the songs over the holidays! I have included a student self-evaluation. If you could complete it together, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to the families that have already done so πŸ™‚

  • Our Christmas art will come home Friday for you to display over the holidays πŸ™‚
  • Be sure to keep the money envelope (little brown envelope) in their dossier and return their dossier on Monday January 6th.
  • A reminder that student absences need to be called in to the office. I appreciate receiving the email to let me know why your child is away, but the absentee line should be used in case I am away or it is not my teaching day. This will be especially important in the new year as we prepare for a new teacher to take over Mme. Mauro’s maternity leave.
  • Report Cards come home today! Please sign and return the envelope only. Keep the report card
  • Pancake breakfast tomorrow from 9-9:30. Feel free to stay and mingle! There will be a suprise visit from a jolly man dressed in Red! Don’t forget PJ day as well! There is no party in the afternoon, but rather an afternoon with various holiday activities and a sing-a-long πŸ™‚

I know you are all wondering who will be coming in in January to cover Mme. Mauro. To ease some questions, I will be back the first week of January: Mon, Thursday and Friday. I will continue to teach Thursday/Friday and the replacement will be here Mon-Wed.

Happy Holidays!!


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