Laundry Helper


Thank you to the immediate response we received! We now have enough parents to get us through to March! Yippee!

Pinnies will be sent home the Friday (Thursday for Pro-d) and returned the Monday (Tuesdays if holiday Monday)

October 11th – Snezana (sending home tomorrow, thank you for offering to go first!)

November 1st – Mary Esu

December 6th- Saniya  Alam

January 31st- Lori Berndt

February 28th- Vicky Lei

March 13 – Mme. Marando

Thank you for helping keep the kids smelling clean and safe on the playgrounds 💕



We are now more than a month into Kindergarten and the students are adjusting to routines and expectations in the classroom! They have even begun learning some basic rFrench phrases!

The students wear yellow vests (pinnies) for recess and lunch. After a month of use, these pinnies are starting to smell! In the past, I would take them home over the weekend to wash however with the job share, that option doesn’t work as we would not be able to return them. Last year, we sent the pinnies home with each child at the end of the month but found they did not all return the Monday.

So, we are looking for a laundry helper! Ideally 5 parents that could sign up to take a load home each month so that you are only responsible for one load all year. We typically phase out pinnies by April.  Alternatively, if you have another solution, we’d love to hear it.

Please fill in the poll below,

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