School Life

School Life

Do you realize that you spend 30 hours of your life in school? For some of you, that is more time with your classmates and teachers than with your own family during the weekdays! What is school all about? Why do you go? Is is only to get an education? What do you enjoy most about school and why? What do you need in your education to get what you want out of life now and later?

I know it is a lot of questions, but have you every stopped to think about them? Since you have been learning about Japan and the schooling there, have you ever thought what it might be like in other countries. In some parts of the world, children sadly do not have the opportunity to even attend school whereas here in Canada, it is one of your basic rights. I would love to hear your thoughts about a huge part of your life.

Albert Mann-VLN Self-directed pd form January 31.2014

36 Replies to “School Life”

    1. Are we only going to learn in school? I think school is also about making friendships and maintaining them. But, school of course also teaches us a lot of different things that help us learn.

  1. Okay right now I’m pretty sure that your feelings for school aren’t that sweet. You probably love vacation and despice school. But , in ten years your feelings for school will probably change completely. School is a place where you learn everyday and make new friends, memories and facts. Later on in your career all the facts and learning from school will make a hell and heaven difference for you. I’m also sure that if your home all day for 365 days you will get agitated and bored. School also teaches you good qualities and the way to life. It teaches you to make and maintain friendships which will always be a big part of your life. So, school can be boring for us but in the end it’s beniffiting and fun.

    1. That happened to me in spring break and winter break. I missed school and I did some homework on those holidays. when the school went back to school I did feel better coming back to learn.

  2. School is about learning so you could use it in your life and to improve your learning skills. Kids go to school so they could learn new stuff they didn’t even know. What I like about school is to hear everyone’s idea’s because it could a related to the education. I can learn more stuff and I can use a technique to make homework easier for example math, in struggling in math but Mrs. Mann is teaching the grade 5’s same technique.

    1. School definitely helps you manage in work and assignments. In the future teqnuiches will help with our jobs,no matter what the job is.

  3. I agree that school is a huge part of a persons life. You must learn how write, add, multiply, and getting a good education and getting a job that what you want like a good paying job. That is the main reason I like school.

  4. What I enjoy most about school is that you get to add to what you already know, you get to know people. I think you go to school because you get to earn a education and, it helps in every day life like if you want to go to the grocery store, you need to know how to count money. That’s what I think about school.

  5. I think school is all about learning and having new friends. I also think it’s about teamwork. I go to school because I want to meet new friends and learn new things. Not only to get education but to have good friends that I can keep. The things I enjoy is meeting new friends learning new things about my world, about my math , or anything else that I find important. I would like better books to read. Maybe updated text book too.

  6. School is about learning new things to use for the future. It’s to help you get a good job when you’re older and a great life. I go to school because I want to have good future and a job as a doctor. It also makes me excited when I try so hard on work and get a good mark. Plus I have very loyal friends there. I think my favourite thing about school is art because it allows me to be creative. I need everything that will improve my future from school. If there was no school I wouldn’t become a doctor and nobody would have anything. No money, workers, and food because everyone would be dumb. That’s why school is important.

    1. I also want to be a doctor. I want to be a neuro surgeon. And teamwork, techniques, and education will be a big part of my life. So,school will benefit me in many different ways.

    2. I agree. I think school is very important too. I try my best in school so I could become a specialist physician when I grow up. I’d say most people don’t like school because of homework and math.

    3. I agree, when you go to school you get a lot of things that would help you become the person and have the job you want. And also you are really right when you said that without school you couldn’t get the job you want because without school you wouldn’t know anything.

  7. Not all of us are fond of school. But it’s something we all need. Even though we find school is boring, it get’s you to where you want to be and what you want to achieve. If you want a job this is the first step. School is a place to learn and have fun. Of course also make along lasting friends. Children around the word can’t attend school because maybe there is no school for them to attend. What I like in school is friends, nice teachers and PE. I like PE because you can get exercise and a break for your brain. If we didn’t have school, we would be all bored at home and have nothing to do. Plus we would not know anything. Education is a wonderful thing and im thankful for it. Thanks

    1. I totally agree with you. We may not be fond of school but in the end its best for us. I also agree that P.E is a good break for the brain and it’s a lot of fun because it captures 100% of your attention. It’s a subject where it’s hard to daydeam about something else.

    2. I agree that life would be boring without school. If we didn’t have school, we would know nothing, have no job, and have no money to buy things. Education is important even if you don’t like it.

    3. I agree with you because we need the education to get good jobs. And its true that some kids can’t go to school because they don’t have money so, I think that’s why so e kids are home school.

  8. What I like most about school is seeing my friends and my favourite teachers because if we didn’t have school probably we would enjoy it for maybe the 1st week or so but after that we would be bored out of our minds and imagine what our lives would be like with no school at all and we’re all grown up so it means no education equals no job and we would probably remain stupid for the rest of our lives.

  9. I think school is about learning things and meeting new people. I enjoy seeing my friends and learning about new things in the different subjects. You need all the things you learn from elementary school to help you in high school and you need all the things you learn from high school to help you in university. All the things from university, high school and elementary all help you in your working days when you get a job. Education in Canada is a very basic right. Lots of people everywhere aren’t as fortunate as we are.

  10. I agree with Dina. In school you need teamwork. Without teamwork everyone would be on their own and if they don’t understand nobody would help. People wouldn’t succeed.

  11. I like to go to school because it gives me something to do.Its also better than staying at home and doing nothing.when I am at home I play with my siblings but after a while it gets boring and I get bored.

  12. To me, I think school is essential for our education, and that it will be especially important to us in the future of our lives as students. If we do not have school, children and teens will have no idea on how to do most of the basics in life, and humanity will not advance as a civilized society, which will probably result in the world falling apart. Plus, school isn’t all about learning either, it also gives students a chance to socialize and make new friends. In fact, most of my friends are my friends because of school! These aren’t all the reasons school are important, there are a lot of other reasons too!

  13. I think school is about learning things to use in the future and for learning how to be a good person. I go to school to learn new things and to make new friends. School is not only about education because you also go to make friends and learn how to be a good person. I enjoy most recess and art because you get to do fun activities. I think it is not fair that not all countries get to go to school.

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