Wheel of Emotions

Wheel of Emotions

As we learn more about our emotions and expand our emotional vocabulary, I would like you to think about how this can help you. Today at our class meeting, we talked about intense emotions and how we sometimes cannot find the words to describe them. Here is a Wheel of Emotions that contains many more options to describe what you feel and experience. There are so many more specific ways to explain your emotions than just happy, sad and mad. Think about the range found in each basic emotion and how words can explain how strong the emotion is.


3 Replies to “Wheel of Emotions”

  1. Emotions are definitely a strong thing. They help us read other peoples insides and help us solve problems. You can tell if someones having a stress full and depressing day or if someone is having an amazing day by just 1 emotion on a person’s face. This may not help in our main routine in our future if your an engineer or an architect. But by reading someones face you ca tell what they want which will make them more satisfied and you may even get a promotion. I look forward to learning more about emotions.

  2. I think our learn of emotions can help us in everyday life. Before I couldn’t think of emotions but now I can. I hope I learn more emotions like melancholy or flabbergasted.

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