7. Sing!
Here’s a link to our Primary Days of Music songs. I’ve added a few more links to video and accompaniments for you to sing along with. You can even teach these songs to your friends and family and have a sing-along at home! In any case, have fun singing!
Primary Days of Music songs 2020
6. Time to Daydream
It’s almost vacation time! Even though we can’t go far away this summer, we can travel to all kinds of new places in our imaginations! And music can help to take us there. Hope you enjoy your trip!
5. Make Your Own Song!
Chrome Music Lab – Song Maker
I know many of you are spending lots of time in front of a screen so I’ve tried to come up with Music activities for you that are away from the computer. But for our last assignment this year, I thought it would be okay to try something online. Chrome Music Lab, here we come!
4. Found Sound Fun!
We may be far from the Music Room but there are sounds that we can use to make music everywhere. We just have to find them Click on the file below and make some music with what you have at home!
Grade 4 – If you want a challenge, try this instead! Found Sound 2
3. Come to your Zoom Music Class 
All you have to do for your next assignment is to come to your Zoom Music Class! If your parents have not received an invitation by email, please contact me at karin.johnson@burnabyschools.ca
Below are the days and times for each division’s Zoom Music Class:
Emily’s Div 7 – 1:00 PM on Thursdays
Ms. Postulo’s Div 8 – 2:00 PM on Thursdays
Ms. Kennedy’s Div 9 – 10:00 AM on Thursdays
Mr. Sam’s Div 10 – 11:00 AM on Thursdays
Ms. Street’s Div 11 – 3:00 PM on Fridays
Ms. Wong’s Div 12 – 2:00 PM on Fridays
Ms. Curtis’s Div 13 – 3:00 PM on Thursdays
I hope to see you there! oxo Karin
P.S. Look at the Music Home Page to read about PRIZES
The world is filled with interesting sounds. And your imagination can make them even more exciting. Watch this short cartoon story and you’ll see what I mean!
Go for walk if you can, OR just sit anywhere outside or inside. Bring some paper and a pencil with you. Write down the sounds you hear. For example – bird singing, car going by, people talking, water dripping, etc. Imagine what else that sound could be. For example – the bird singing could be a star singing your favourite song, the car going by could be the sound of a whale swimming by you in the ocean. Do you get the idea? Now you can write a story using some of the sounds you have heard the things that you have imagined them to be.
Karin would love to hear from you! You can send her your lists of sounds and stories by email at karin.johnson@burnabyschools.ca
1. 7:00 PM SONG 
At 7:00 pm every night, people around the world are showing their thanks for nurses, doctors and all those who are working right now to keep us safe and healthy. Let’s join in and show our appreciation by performing a song together on our balconies and front yards. I thought we’d start with something easy:
Green Sally!
What?! You forgot Green Sally?!
That’s ok First let’s review the actions. There were problems uploading these files so they are not perfect
Now let’s practice the song and then add the actions to it!
Audio PlayerGreen Sally up, Green Sally down,
Green Sally baked her possum brown.
I asked my mother for 15 cents,
To see the elephant jump the fence.
She jumped so high, she touched the sky,
And didn’t come back till the 1st of July.
Green Sally up, Green Sally down,
Green Sally baked her possum brown.
Now let’s make it interesting!
Below is the assignment that I tried to send all of you. Some of you might not have received it so I’m posting it here. Have fun!!