Art Room

Last week was our first visit to the art room!  We watched an i-movie of Autumn Leaves and trees set to the song “Autumn Leaves” by Ed Sheeran.  After that inspiration, we picked up the charcoal and started to sketch.

What were our goals?

  • To have a ‘horizon’ line for our tree to sit on
  • To fill the page with our tree
  • To have leaves falling around the tree
  • To have leaves on the ground

What were the learning outcomes?

Visual Arts:

  • create images in response to something they observed and experienced
  • create images featuring line (e.g., straight, wavy, curvy, thick, thin)
  • demonstrate an awareness of safety considerations for the use of materials, technologies, and processes (e.g., appropriate use of scissors and other sharp tools, obeying hazard symbols)


  • illustrate and record changes that occur throughout the seasons (e.g., flowers blooming, snow melting, leaves falling, lakes freezing)

Come and see our artistic creations inside the school on our classroom bulletin boards…here’s a few to pique your interest:

[metaslider id=1564]

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Drama Fun

In our last few drama periods we have been working on dramatizing the story “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen.


What are the learning outcomes we are working on???

The drama curriculum for Kindergarten and Grade One includes:

  • find and stay in their own personal space (e.g., the “space bubble” that a person occupies) throughout drama explorations (K)
  • use drama exploration to show sequence (e.g., beginning, middle, and end of stories) (K)
  • use their bodies to explore movement in their own space (e.g., painting a large picture, floating on clouds, sitting on a boat) (K)
  • retelling or altering stories (e.g., creating a different ending for a story, exploring what might have occurred in the lives of characters prior to the beginning of the story) (1)
  • working in role to imagine and play characters from stories or real life events (1)
  • using movement elements and their bodies to explore a variety of imagined environments (e.g., floating in outer space, swimming under water, crawling through a cave, jumping in puddles, trying to move in a crowd of people without touching anyone (1)
  • find and using their own personal space throughout the drama activity (1)

You can also check out the author ‘reading/performing’ his story on youtube: Michael Rosen

We are all excited to try “We’re Going On A Ghost Hunt” a little closer to Halloween!!


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Musical Performance

music-notesToday we attended our first Musical Performance in the gym.

It was very exciting for us!  This was an excellent chance for us to practice the skill of respect. 

We watched a wonderful group called Tiller’s Folly perform a program entitled:  “Stirring Up Ghosts”.  You can check out the link to hear the songs (along with the lyrics).

We had a great time clapping along while we learned about the history of British Columbia through song! What incredible talent–writing songs to teach history!!!

Thanks to the PAC for their awesome fundraising efforts, each year we get to enjoy 2 performance groups instead of just 1!

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Our First Field Trip

Yesterday was our first field trip of the year.  We went to the Mc Gill branch of the Burnaby Public Library.  It was a beautiful day to walk over–we all enjoyed looking at the seasonal changes.  A big thank you to all the Grade One students–they were VERY responsible–being excellent partners to the Kindergarten students!!  Way to show ownership, kindness, and safety!

While we were at the library we had a fun time reading a story with Kathryn (the children’s Librarian).  We were all very respectful, remembering to take turns, use our quiet voices and walking feet.  I’m sure the other library patrons were as impressed as I was!

Our next trip is already in the works…please watch for the notice!

A big Thank You to all the parent helpers–we couldn’t do it without you!

OK happy face_full

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Choral Reading

What is choral reading?

“Choral reading is reading aloud in unison with a whole class or group of students.”

Each day we read chorally together in two different genres:

  • a storybook

Our storybook is photocopied for each child to read along with, and at the end of the week, we bring it home.  Our storybook this week was I See–their job is to read the book 3 times to anyone/anything (a stuffy, a pet, a friend, a relative…)!  Practice…practice…practice!

  • a poem/song

Our Poem of the Week comes home each Monday in their green duo-tangs–their job is to read it each night and the Grade Ones also need to fill in the missing words on the back (K’s are welcome to try this–but it is not required!).

Why use choral reading?

  • It can provide less skilled readers the opportunity to practice and receive support before being required to read on their own.
  • It provides a model for fluent reading as students listen.
  • It helps improve the ability to read sight words.

Although it is intended for teachers, you can check out this link for more information:

Thanks for your support in our home reading program!

Happy Reading! smiley-face-reading-a-book


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Our Timetable

We have finished setting our schedules (of course they are not set in stone…).  This schedule includes our fine arts times (dance, drama, art & music) as well as gym, and library…I will be sending home a paper copy for each of you tomorrow, but here is an online copy for you to refer to:

parent timetable 2015

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Pattern Unit Launch

Today we started our first math unit–


We gathered together to look at the “big gigantic book” (bum bum bum) and find patterns in the classroom picture…We found so many!!!  We found lots of patterns in our own classroom as well:

  • the couch blanket
  • some of our clothes
  • the bulletin board borders
  • our September calendar

We also shared ideas about other things that repeat and have patterns:

  • days of the week
  • time
  • months of the year
  • holidays
  • numbers
  • our birthdays…

Finally, we worked cooperatively with a partner to create a pattern using actions.  Check out the slide show below–and ask us to show you our patterns at home 🙂

[metaslider id=1515]

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Welcome To A New School Year!


I can’t believe it is almost time for us to dust off our pencil boxes and rush to the stores to purchase our back to school supplies!  I LOVE this time of year!  I’ve been gathering ideas for the new year throughout the summer–and I can’t wait to share some of the new projects!


  • Tuesday September 8th we attend for 1 hour: 8:50-10:00
  • On Wednesday 9th, Thursday 10th and Friday 11th we attend: 8:50-3:02
  • New classes will be posted once the District approves them (likely Monday)
  • Your child will not need school supplies until they are assigned to their new teacher (or stuck with me again!) I have plenty for us to share!


  • New Kindergartens will join us for gradual entry starting on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (if you are a new K parent please see your Welcome to K Package for times)

I look forward to seeing how much you have all grown–and to hearing about your summer adventures.  I can’t wait to show you the new shoes I found!!!

OK happy face_full

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Mountain Gems

Yesterday we went on another visit out into our community–we visited the rock and gem store Mountain Gems.  The walk was nice,  no rain, and we even had time to drop off a Thank You card we made for North Burnaby Dental!  

Once we got to the store, we focused our attention on Bruce (the owner).  Many of us were very excited as we had brought some money to spend (a few coins fell to the floor as Bruce was talking!).   Bruce did a great job of explaining to us about the different kinds of rocks and how those rocks were formed.  Then, it was finally time for us to look around his store!  Wow!!!  There were so many things to look at…it was very difficult for some of us to decide what we wanted to spend our money on–but some of us knew right away!  

Division 9 did an awesome job remembering to follow our R.O.C.K.S. rules while on our field trip.  I was very proud of the way they represented our school.  I can’t wait to plan the next trip…I’m hoping for Chocolate or Sweets…I will keep you posted!

Of course, a big thank you to all the parents who helped out on our trip–we couldn’t do it without you!


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Math You Can EAT!

Today is one of our favourite days in math–Math you can EAT!!!

This time it was M-M-M-Marshmallows!

[metaslider id=1433]

We each start with a booklet and a zippy bag of mini marshmallows, and make an estimate of how many we think are in the bag.  We record that estimate, then move on to sorting the marshmallows by colour.  After sorting we graph our information, making sure we use one to one correspondence as we count.  We then use the graph to transfer the information into numerals.  Finding out how many of each colour we have, and then how many we have altogether.  Then we make a picture graph of our coloured marshmallows.  And finally, we chose our favourite colour and then EAT!!!

We are learning so much from this one activity:


  • compare quantities, 1 to 10, using one-to-one correspondence
  • represent and describe numbers 2 to 10, concretely and pictorially
  • relate a numeral, 1 to 10, to its respective quantity
  • sort 3-D objects using a single attribute

Grade One:

  • demonstrate an understanding of counting by indicating that the last number said identifies “how many”
  • represent and describe numbers to 20 concretely, pictorially, and symbolically
  • estimate quantities to 20 by using referents
  • sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes using one attribute

Who wouldn’t love math????

i love math face

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