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Math with Nature…

Posted by on September 28, 2016

In our first math unit this year, we are learning about patterns.

So far we have been:

  • using a variety of manipulatives in the classroom to create patterns
  • recreating patterns using our bodies (action patterns, chicken dance)
  • creating patterns using crayons to colour
  • cutting and gluing pictures to make patterns
  • translating patterns at calendar time (colours, letters, words, numbers…)

Today we worked in small groups to create patterns with items found in nature.  We were assigned groups and had criteria we had to meet:

  1. choose a pattern to create with your group (e.g. ABAB, ABCABC…)
  2. decide what ‘nature’ items you would use to represent your pattern
  3. collect enough of the nature items to make sure your pattern repeated 3 times
  4. create your pattern together
  5. show your pattern (to Ms. Fischer for a photo)
  6. use a chalk to circle the core (the part that repeats) of your pattern
  7. REPEAT!

Check out our work!

i love math face

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