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Musical Dancing Math

Posted by on October 5, 2016

This past month we’ve been very busy learning about patterns in Math.

We’ve been reading stories with ‘ascending’ patterns like the ones below…

books pie bat





We’ve been practising finding the “core” of patterns (that’s the part that repeats) that we make, our classmates make, and our teacher makes.

We’ve also been learning about ways to “translate” patterns.

For example:


This pattern is orange/blue/orange/blue/orange/blue, but it can also be translated:

  •  using letters: ABABAB
  • using numbers:121212
  • using actions: clap/pat/clap/pat/clap/pat


Finally, we’ve been learning about how patterns can be found in music and dance.  We’ve learned how to do the Chicken Dance, Any  Turkey Can  Tango, and Turkey In The Straw.

Ask us to show you our fancy dance moves!!!

Tomorrow is our Pattern Day–we’re going to create pattern t-shirts based on our clothes!  Don’t forget to wear your pattern shirt!







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