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Role Playing…

Posted by on January 17, 2016

puppets In drama this week we have begun to use puppets to role play problem solving situations.  We have focussed on problems that happen outside at recess and lunch so far.

Some of the problems we have practiced solving include:

  1. asking someone to share equipment or take turns (the swings)
  2. what to do if you see someone bullying a friend (calling someone names)
  3. how and when to ask a teacher for help
  4. what to do if someone takes something from you that you had or were playing with (trick you to get off the swing)
  5. how to tell your friends ‘no’ when they want you to break the rules with them (going behind the school for K’s)

What are the learning outcomes we are working on?


  • work in role to imagine and play characters from stories or real life events
  • explore situations in role, including who, what, where, and with whom


  • list situations where common interpersonal conflicts can arise (e.g., sharing, teasing, pushing, choosing an activity, taking turns, lining up)
  • identify one or more possible solutions to specific interpersonal problems (e.g., taking turns, taking a break, communicating clearly about needs and wants, going to an adult or third party for help)
  • describe which solution they think works the best for them in a specific situation, and explain why

We will continue to work on solving problems in drama!  Ask us how we are doing…

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