Wednesday, June 3

Starting this week, I will be at school on Thursdays and Fridays working with students that opted to return to school. Therefore, on Wednesdays, I will now be posting assignments and activities for Thursday and Friday. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please email me.

Wednesday, June 3

1. Movement Break-

2. Kindergartens- Complete this worksheet DiceAdditionWorksheet (1) by adding the two numbers on the dice.

Grade Ones work on the first page of word problems. AdditionandSubtractionWordProblemswithaCampingTheme

3. Kindergartens- Review the ‘at’ words from your sort. Then rainbow write your spelling words. Write each word first with a pencil. Then trace over each word three times with a colored pencil or marker. Each time you trace use a different color.

Grade Ones- Review your spelling words. Then rainbow write your spelling words. Write each word first with a pencil. Then trace over each word three times with a colored pencil or marker. Each time you trace use a different color.

4.Login on to your symphony math account for 15 minutes.


Thursday, June 4

 1. Cosmic Kid Yoga-

2. Math- Kindergarten and Grade Ones create an image using 5 triangles, 3 circles, two rectangle, 1 hexagons and 3 squares. Email your drawings  when completed.

3. Journals- How are you feeling? What zone are you in? Why are you in that zone? Draw a picture and write a few sentences. Email your work when completed.

4. Login on to your Lexia account for 15 minutes.


Friday, June 5

1. Go for a walk with a family member. How do you feel starting the day with a walk?

2. Art- Go outside and create a picture using these items:

– leaves
– sticks
– stones
– grass
Here is an example:

Send a picture of your art.

3. Kindergartens- have a family member read 3 words from the sort this week. Try your best and write them down. Email your work when completed.

Grade Ones- have a family member read 10 words from your sort this week. Try your best and write them down. Email your work when completed.

4. Read a story with a family member. Then discuss the following questions:
Did you like the story? Why or why not?
Where was the setting of the story?
Who were the characters?

Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

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