Thursday, May 28

1) Morning yoga

2)  Journals- pick from one of the following topics.

  • Write a story about your grandparents. What is your favorite thing to do with them?
  • Write about a time when you went to a special party.  What did you do there?
  • Write about a time when you went to the park.  What did you do?  Who did you go with?
  • Write a story about your favorite place in the world.  Why is it so special?

Kindergartens draw a picture and ask a family member to help with writing.

Grade ones draw a picture and write 3 or more sentences. Please email your work when completed.

3) Kindergartens- We will continue with the scavenger hunt from yesterday. Look for items around your house that start with each letter of the alphabet. Today work on letters I to P.

Grade Ones pick from one of the following ways to review your spelling words
– Rainbow write your words
– Play tic tac toe using your spelling words
– Create a double set of spelling word cards and play a game of memory
– Type out your spelling words

4) Login onto your Lexia account for 15 minutes.

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